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It will increase to four times as much.

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Q: If each side of a rhombus is doubled how much times will it's area increase?
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If the circumference of a circle is doubled how does the area change?

The area increase by four times.

How does resistivity vary if length and area are doubled?

if length is doubled then resistivity increases&when area is doubled resistivity decreases.

What will happen to the area of a pentagon if the side is doubled?

The area would become four times larger. The area increase is always the perimeter increase, squared. For example. If the sides of a square were quadrupled, the area would become sixteen times larger.

What is thr area of the rhombus shown below AC 17 BD15 AB11.2?

Area of a rhombus: base times perpendicular height Or area of a rhombus: 0.5 times product of its diagonals

If the liner dimensions of an object are doubled how much dose the total area increase?

If the linear dimensions of a square or a rectangle are doubled, the area of the object will be quadrupled.

If the sides of a triangle are doubled then the area becomes?

If the sides of a triangle are doubled then the area becomes quadrupled (four times as large).

What is the surface area of a cube if its edges are doubled?

Surface Area becomes 4 times the original when its edges are doubled because Suraface area = (edge)^2

What happens to the area of a circle when the diameter is doubled?

the area is increased by 4 times

What is the equation for the area of a rombus?

Area of rhombus = 0.5 times the product of its diagonals

If the radius of a circle is doubled the how does that effect the area?

The area of the circle will be 4 times greater

What happens to the surface area of a sphere if its radius is doubled?

If the radius of a sphere is doubled, the surface area increases by (2)2 = 4 times, and the volume increases by (2)3 = 8 times.

What happens to the area of a circle if the circumference is doubled?

If the circumference of a circle is doubled, the area will be four times bigger. It's like having a square with one metre sides. If we double the length of sides, that is - two metre long sides. the length around will be eight instead if four metres. The area will not be doubled from one square metre to two square meters. It will be four square metres instead. Lengths only grow in one direction so doubling is doubling, but areas grow in two directions - length and width at the same time. Therefore, areas grow and grow, doubling this way and doubling that way, so the doubling is doubled making it four times. Trebling would be trebled making a three times length increase into a nine times area increase.