That depends on what you mean with "real-life". You won't need polynomial functions to sell stuff at a supermarket, or to cut off a dead branch from your tree... but if you work in science and engineering, you will need some really advanced math - much more than a simple polynomial function.
There are no real life applications of reciprocal functions
There are many examples of daily life applications of real numbers. Some of these examples include clocks and calendars.
you can use it house or at the mall or anywhere
What are the Applications of definite integrals in the real life?
If the coefficients of a polynomial of degree three are real it MUST have a real zero. In the following, asymptotic values are assumed as being attained for brevity: If the coeeff of x3 is positive, the value of the polynomial goes from minus infinity to plus infinity as x goes from minus infinity to plus infinity. The reverse is true if the coefficient of x3 is negative. Since all polynomials are continuous functions, the polynomial must cross the x axis at some point. That's your root.
As with most advanced math, if your "real life" involves engineering work, you will use such math; otherwise, you will hardly have anything to do, in this case, with polynomial functions.
There are no real life applications of reciprocal functions
A power function is of the form xa where a is a real number. A polynomial function is of the form anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x + a0 for some positive integer n, and all the ai are real constants.
shopping, travel, measurements and money are the real life applications of real number system.
Yes if it was not practical it was not there. You can see the real life use on this link
in real life what are applications of alanlytical geometry
1+x2 is a polynomial and doesn't have a real root.
There are many examples of daily life applications of real numbers. Some of these examples include clocks and calendars.
the way light and dark create is the same in art and in real life
you can use it house or at the mall or anywhere
an elevator