Yes, 585 divided by 9 is 65
No: 585 divided by 6 is 97 with remainder 3.
To find 90 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.9. In this instance, 0.9 x 650 = 585. Therefore, 90 percent of 650 is equal to 585.
Expressed as a percentage, 585/650 x 100 = 90 percent.
Add the digits in 585 i.e. 5+8+5=18 18 is divisible by 3 Therefore, 585 is divisible by 3
The Canadian Electrical Code requires a 1000MCM copper wire with a insulation factor of 90 degree C is rated at 585 amps. Quite a coincidence. The National Electrical Code requires a 900 kcmil copper conductor with an insulation rated for 90 degrees C for 585 amps..