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Q: What is the number of cubes that fill a space is a measure?
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What is the number of cubes a 3D figure can hold called?

There is no specific name.I hope you were not looking for volume as an answer because that is wrong. The fact that the cubes are of unspecified size means that there is no proper measure of anything. Also, if you tried to fill most 3-d figures with cubes, you would have corners and curves that were left out, and so the number of cubes could not measure volume even if their sizes were specified.There is no specific name.I hope you were not looking for volume as an answer because that is wrong. The fact that the cubes are of unspecified size means that there is no proper measure of anything. Also, if you tried to fill most 3-d figures with cubes, you would have corners and curves that were left out, and so the number of cubes could not measure volume even if their sizes were specified.There is no specific name.I hope you were not looking for volume as an answer because that is wrong. The fact that the cubes are of unspecified size means that there is no proper measure of anything. Also, if you tried to fill most 3-d figures with cubes, you would have corners and curves that were left out, and so the number of cubes could not measure volume even if their sizes were specified.There is no specific name.I hope you were not looking for volume as an answer because that is wrong. The fact that the cubes are of unspecified size means that there is no proper measure of anything. Also, if you tried to fill most 3-d figures with cubes, you would have corners and curves that were left out, and so the number of cubes could not measure volume even if their sizes were specified.

How many cubes are needed to fill 1 cube foot box if a cube has edges measure 2 inches?

216 are.

How do you find the number of identical cubes it will take to fill a rectangular box?

base times height

The number of cubes inside of a container to fill it up is called?

This is not well-worded. The smaller the cubes the more you'd need to fill a container, and the more completely they'd fill it. One large cube would not fill a round container but there might not be room for more than one.

Can you fill a container with an odd number of unit cubes?

Sure, if each of the dimensions (length, width, and height) is an odd number of units.

The number of cubes that would fill a container is called the?

There is no name for it. If you were looking for the answer "capacity" the question is very poorly worded.

What is the number of cubic units to fill a given space?

The answer depends on how large the given space is!

How many one- half inch cubes can fill a 1 inch cube?

Eight half inch cubes would fill a one inch cube.

What is a number of same size unit cubes that fill a solid figure without overlaps or gasps in it?


What is the number of cubic units needed to fill the space occupied by a solid?

the number of cubic units to fill an object is called its volume

Number of cubic units needed to fill a given space?


What do you call the number of cubic units needed to fill a space figure?

Which refers to the number of cubic units inside a space figure?