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The formulae are quite similar; you multiply base x height, where the height is perpendicular to the base. In the case of a trapezium, you need to calculate the average of the two bases first.

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Q: What is the relationship between the area of a parallelogram and the area of a trapezium?
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Can a triangle have the same perimeter and area as a parallelogram?

I don't know about the relation in the perimeters of a triangle and a parallelogram but if a triangle is on the same base on which the parallelogram is and the triangle is between the same parallel lines of the parallelogram, then the area of the triangle will be half the area of the parallelogram. That is, area of a triangle = 1/2 area of a parallelogram if the triangle is on the same base and between the same parallel lines.

Why do the parallelogram and the rectangle have the same area?

a parallelogram is a tilted rectangle

How can you find the area of a parallelogram if you only know the side lengths?

The area of a parallelogram is equal to base times height. You can find the maximum area of a parallelogram by multiplying the length of a short side by the length of a long side. (This would be the area if the parallelogram were a rectangle.)You cannot know the area of a parallelogram if all you know is the length of the sides; you can only know the maximumpossible area. Imagine you slant the parallelogram a lot. The area will decrease, but the side lengths will stay the same.

What is the area of a parallelogram that has 11 ft and 9 .4 ft?

The lengths of the sides of a parallelogram is not enough information to determine its area.

What is the relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle?

The relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle is a Triangle is base times height divided by 2. Area of a rectangle is length times height.

Related questions

How is the formula for the area of a trapezoid related to a parallelogram?

Suppose you have a trapezium whose parallel sides (bases) are of lengths A and B units, and where the height is h units If you flip a trapezium over and append it to the original along one of the bases you will have a parallelogram whose base is A+B units in length and whose height is h units. So 2*Area of trapezium = Area of parallelogram = (A + B)*h

How is the formula of a trapezoid related to the formula of a parallelogram?

Suppose you have a trapezium whose parallel sides (bases) are of lengths A and B units, and where the height is h units If you flip a trapezium over and append it to the original along one of the bases you will have a parallelogram whose base is A+B units in length and whose height is h units. So 2*Area of trapezium = Area of parallelogram = (A + B)*h

What is relationship between the area of a circle and a rectangle?

area of a circle = area of a rectangle(parallelogram) formed by the sectors of circle with pi as length and radius as bradth.

What is the relationship between the area of a parallelogram and a triangle when the base and height are the same?

The area of a parallelogram is base x height and the area of a triangle is 1/2 x base x height. So the area of a parallelogram will always be 2 times bigger than a triangle with the same base and height.

When solving for the area of a parallelogram what relationship must exist between the height and base?

area of a parallelogram=base*height(base multiplied by height).here "height" denotes the perpendicular distance between those two parallel sides one of which is taken as the base.

Can a triangle have the same perimeter and area as a parallelogram?

I don't know about the relation in the perimeters of a triangle and a parallelogram but if a triangle is on the same base on which the parallelogram is and the triangle is between the same parallel lines of the parallelogram, then the area of the triangle will be half the area of the parallelogram. That is, area of a triangle = 1/2 area of a parallelogram if the triangle is on the same base and between the same parallel lines.

Area of the trapezium is?

Let the two parallel sides be a and b, and the distance between them, the height of the trapezium, be h. Then: area of trapezium = 1/2 (a+b) h That is half the sum of the two parallel sides times the height of the trapezium.

What is the volume and area of an isosceles trapezium?

The area of a trapezium is given by 0.5*(a+b)*h where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is the vertical distance between them. The fact that the trapezium is isosceles does not matter. A trapezium is a 2 dimensional object and so it has no volume.

What is the formaula for the area of a trapezium?

If the two parallel side of the trapezium are a and b and height of the trapezium (the distance between the parallel sides) is h then the area is given by:Area = 1/2 (a + b) x hHalf the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides times the distance between them.

What is the formula of area and perimeter of trapezium?

Area = (1/2)*(sum of the parallel sides)*(distance between them)

What is the formula for calculating the area of a trapezium?

area of trapezium=1/2{a+b}h

How can you find the area of a trapezoid using composite figures?

Suppose the base and parallel sides of the trapezium are labelled a and b. Suppose, also, that the distance between a and b is h. Draw a diagonal. This will split the trapezium into one triangle whose base is the trapezium's base (a) and another upside-down triangle whose base is the trapezium's top (b). The heights of both these triangles will be the same as the distance between the parallel sides of the trapezium (h). The area of the first triangle is 0.5*a*h The area of the second triangle is 0.5*b*h So the area of the trapezium = 0.5*a*h + 0.5*b*h = 0.5*(a+b)*h