Yes, you can have a remainder of 5 when you divide by 6. If you divide 11 by 6, it will go into it one time with a remainder of 5.
17.9999999999999999999999999999 and so on
32 divided by 5 is 6 with remainder 2.
2 divides exactly 18 times into 36, there is no remainder.
When you divide 18 by 5, you get a quotient of 3 with a remainder of 3. This means that 18 divided by 5 equals 3, with a remainder of 3. Mathematically, this can be represented as 18 รท 5 = 3 R3.
18 / 5 = 3 remainder 3 Answer: 18 Other possible correct answers are: 8 13 23 28 3
Yes, you can have a remainder of 5 when you divide by 6. If you divide 11 by 6, it will go into it one time with a remainder of 5.
Your question's meaning eludes me. You can divide any number by 5, whether or not it is a remainder, and why would you want to divide a remainder by 5 anyway?
27/5 = 5 remainder 2
It is: 225/12 = 18 with a remainder of 9
17.9999999999999999999999999999 and so on
When you divide by 5, the remainder can be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, but no more than 4.
32 divided by 5 is 6 with remainder 2.
1,2,3,6,9 and 18 are the only numbers that will divide evenly into 18 with no remainder.