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Q: What is the simplified form of 2i minus 10i?
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The conjugate of the complex number 3 plus 2i is?

It is 3 minus 2i

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(-2 + 3i) + (-1 - 2i) = -2 + 3i - 1 - 2i = -2 - 1 + 3i - 2i = -3 + i

What is the solution set of the equation x2 minus 2x plus 5 equals 0?

Using the quadratic formula, you get the complex answers of 1 + 2i and 1 - 2i

What is the equivalent form of 10 plus 6i and 7 plus 2i?

10 + 6i and 7 + 2i = 10 + 6i + 7 + 2i = 17 + 8i

What is square root of minus 4?

It is imaginary; we denote sqrt of -1 = i square root (-4) = ± 2i

How do you convert the complex number to standard form 1 plus 2i over root2 plus i?

Multiply the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator ... [ root(2) minus i ]. This process is called 'rationalizing the denominator'.

Which number minus another number equal 6?

There are infinitely many solutions for this. For example: 6 - 0 7 - 1 8 - 2 6.5 - 0.5 5 - (-1) (8 + 2i) - (2 + 2i) etc.

What is the square root of minus 4?

The answer is 2i. When dealing with negative square roots, the expression i is used to represent the square root of -1.

X2 plus x equals 3x-5?

x2 +x=3x-5 so x2 -2x+5=0 which does not factor ( over the real numbers) so you can either complete the square of use the quadratic equation to solve. Let's complete the square. (x-1)2 =-4 x-1= plus of minus 2i so x=1+2i or x=1-2i Now check it just as you would a real answer. 1+2i -1 is 2i and 2i squared is -4 as desired Now 1-2i-1 is -2i and (-2i) squared is -4 also. We know the answer is not real if we simply calculated the discriminant. b2 -4ac=4-4(5)<0 so there are no real answers as we found.