because they are the opisit to whole numbers. For example 4x4=16, 0.4x0.4=0.16, 2x2=4, 0.2x0.2=0.04
When you Multiply two decimals it is called the product.
When you multiply decimals, the product of the numbers gets smaller because decimals represent parts of a whole. When you multiply two decimals less than 1, you are essentially finding a fraction of a fraction, resulting in a smaller value. For example, when you multiply 0.1 by 0.1, you are finding 1/10 of 1/10, which is 1/100 or 0.01, a smaller value than either of the original decimals.
There's no number on that list that's smaller than 0.5 .
well look at the decimals if the first is bigger than its usally bigger the more numbers the smaller it is
It's because decimals are really fractions and all numbers get smaller when you multiply them by fractions.
You can multiply to numbers with decimals
When you Multiply two decimals it is called the product.
When you multiply decimals, the product of the numbers gets smaller because decimals represent parts of a whole. When you multiply two decimals less than 1, you are essentially finding a fraction of a fraction, resulting in a smaller value. For example, when you multiply 0.1 by 0.1, you are finding 1/10 of 1/10, which is 1/100 or 0.01, a smaller value than either of the original decimals.
Blah blah blah
it affects because when you multiply you have to move the decimals to the left or right.......(helpful info)
When you multiply 4 by 2, you're doubling it, increasing 4 to twice its size. When you multiply 0.25 by 0.5, you're cutting it in half, decreasing 0.25 to 0.125.
When multiplying decimals less than 1, the answer gets smaller because each decimal is less than 1. Multiplying a number by a value less than 1 will always result in a smaller product. Think of it as taking a fraction or a portion of the number, which will inevitably make the product smaller.
Thousandths is smaller than tenths.
multiply the decimal by 100