n!/n = n!/n | reflexive property
(n)(n-1)(n-2).../n = n!/n | definition of factorial
(n-1)(n-2)... = n!/n | cancelling the common factor of n
(n-1)! = n!/n | definition of factorial
Notice that, in order for n! to be described as (n)(n-1)(n-2)... and proceed to be rewritten as (n-1)! after the n's cancel, the natural number n had to be greater than some natural number for (n-1) to be a factor in the factorial. This means that n must be at least 2, because if n were 1, (n-1) would not have been a factor of the factorial, and the proof would fail unless we assume that n is at least 2. So now you know that this rule cannot prove that 0! is 1 because 1 cannot be substituted into the rule because, as it stands, the rule is only valid for values of 2 or greater. The rule is valid for values of 1 or greater if it is assumed that 0! is 1, but that is what you are trying to prove.
n factorial is defined as:
n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) ... x 1
n! = n x (n-1)!
If we replace "n" with 1:
1! = 1 x 0!
1 = 1 x 0!
1 = 0!
so, 0! is equal to 1. Why Zero Factorial is Equal to One Why should you be concerned that 0!=1? You may not even know what a factorial number is.
Reading the following you may come to understand the idea of a factorial.You may also be able to please your friends and confound your enemies bybeing able to show that 0!=1. Here is an explanation, requiring only knowledge of simple arithmetic tounderstand.
When considering the numbers of different groups which may be formed from acollection of objects one frequently finds the need to make calculations ofthe form, 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 for 4 objects. I suppose I must explain why that is.
Say we have the four objects A, B, C, D.
If I select from that collection to form another group, you will see that Icould choose any one of the four for the first selection. Thiswould leave three objects. I could select any of those three for the second selection,leaving any one of two for the next and so on. The total number of ways I could selectthose objects would be 4 x 3 x 2 x ... , and the series would stop at one when I selectedthe last object. To save repeatedly writing down long strings of such products thenotation 4! is used to represent 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 or 6! for 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.The ! is read as factorial. So the examples quoted above are more easily written as 4!and 6!. If you care to calculate their values they are 24 and 720 respectively.
In general any factorial number (call it n!), may be written,
n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 2 x 1
This is the general definition of a factorial number.
If you want it in words; a factorial number is the product of all positive integers from1 to the number under consideration.
The main place it is likely to be encountered is when considering those groups andarrangements of objects mentioned above.
So where does all this 0! stuff fit in?
Nobody has trouble in stating 2! = 2 x 1 , or even that 1! = 1, but 0! appears to make nosense.
It does however, have a value of 1. This is rather counter intuitive but arisesdirectly from our general definition.
n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 2 x 1
Notice this may be written,
n! = n x (n-1)! Still exactly the same definition.
If the left hand side (LHS) = the right hand side (RHS) then dividing both sides by nshould leave them still equal, so it is still true to write,
n!/n = n x (n-1)!/n
The (n-1)! in the RHS is being both multiplied by n and divided by n. These cancelleaving,
n!/n = (n-1)! If you doubt this, try it with real numbers, e.g. 4!/4 = 3! or (4 x 3 x 2 x 1)/4 = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
The equation we now have is,
n!/n = (n-1)!
It is still our original definition in arearranged form. For convenience I shall write it the other way round.
(n-1)! = n!/n
We also said that our factorial uses the positive integers 1 and above.Try the value of n=2 in our rearranged formula and we get,
(2-1)! = 2!/2 or 1! = 2x1/2
The RHS calculates to 1, so we have the statement 1!=1That is what we guessed intuitively above. It is now confirmed.But look what happens when we substitute the legitimate value of n=1in our formula.
(1-1)! = 1!/1
Evaluating this statement gives
0! = 1!/1
We have just shown 1!=1 so the RHS is 1/1 or 1.
Why not tell your friends about it? Help dispel the widespread ignorance about 0!
Oh, dude, zero factorial being equal to one is like the universe's way of saying, "Surprise, surprise!" It's because in math land, when you have no items to arrange, you technically have one way to arrange them - which is, well, not arranging them at all! So, it's like zero factorial is the math version of "I'll just chill here and be equal to one."
Ah, zero factorial being equal to one may seem puzzling at first, but let's think of it like planting a seed in the garden. Before any growth happens, we have that one little seed, full of potential. Similarly, when we talk about zero factorial, we're setting the stage for all the other numbers to come into play, giving them a starting point. It's like saying, "Let's start here and see where the math journey takes us!"
Listen up, sweetie. Zero factorial is equal to one because that's just how the math works. Factorials are defined as the product of all positive integers up to a certain number, and since there are no positive integers less than zero, the result is one. So, in a nutshell, zero factorial equals one because that's the way the cookie crumbles in the mathematical world.
Zero factorial is one because n! = n-1! X n. For example: 4! = (4-1) X 4. If zero factorial was zero, that would mean 1! =(1-1) X 1 = 0 X 1=0. Then if 1!=0, then even 999! would equal zero. Therefore, zero factorial equals 1.
What is the rationale for defining 0 factorial to be 1?AnswerThe defining 0 factorial to be 1 is not a rationale."Why is zero factorial equal to one?" is a problem that one has to prove.When 0 factorial to be 1 to be proved,the defining 0 factorial to be 1 is unvaluable.One has only one general primitive definition of a factorial number:n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 2 x 1.After that zero factorial denoted 0! is a problem that one has to acceptby convention 0!=1 as a part of definition.One has to prove zero factorial to be one.Only from the definition of a factorial number and by dividing both sidesby n one has: n!/n (n-1)! or (n-1)! = n!/nwhen n=2 one has (2-1)! = 2!/2 or 1! = 2x1/2 or 1! = 1when n=1 one has (1-1)! = 1!/1 or 0! = 1/1 or 0! = 1. =This is a proof that zero factorial is equal to one to be known.But a new proof is:A Schema Proof Without WordsThat Zero Factorial Is Equal To One.... ... ...Now the expression 0! = 1 is already a proof, not need a definitionnor a convention. So the defining 0 factorial to be 1 is unvaluable.The proof "without words" abovethat zero factorial is equal to one is a New that:*One has not to accept by convention 0!=1 anymore.*Zero factorial is not an empty product.*This Schema leads to a Law of Factorial.Note that the above schema is true but should not be used in a formal proof for 0!=1.The problem arises when you simplify the pattern formed by this schema into a MacLauren Series, which is the mathematical basis for it in the first place. Upon doing so you arrive with, . This representation illustrates that upon solving it you use 0!.In proofs you cannot define something by using that which you are defining in the definition. (ie) 0! can't be used when solving a problem within a proof of 0!.For clarification, the above series will represent the drawn out solution for the factorial of a number, i. (ie) 1×76 -6×66 +15×56 -20×46 +15×36 -6×26 +1×16 , where i=6.
It is not except when n = 1.
7 factorial, (7!) is equal to 5,040.
3.04140932 × 1064
0!=1! 1=1 The factorial of 0 is 1, not 0
As we know product of no numbers at all is 1 and for this reason factorial of zero =1and we know factorial of 1=1
Zero factorial is one because n! = n-1! X n. For example: 4! = (4-1) X 4. If zero factorial was zero, that would mean 1! =(1-1) X 1 = 0 X 1=0. Then if 1!=0, then even 999! would equal zero. Therefore, zero factorial equals 1.
Zero factorial = 1
Zero factorial is equal to one. 0! = 1
The factorial of a number is the product of all the whole numbers, except zero, that are less than or equal to that number.
What is the rationale for defining 0 factorial to be 1?AnswerThe defining 0 factorial to be 1 is not a rationale."Why is zero factorial equal to one?" is a problem that one has to prove.When 0 factorial to be 1 to be proved,the defining 0 factorial to be 1 is unvaluable.One has only one general primitive definition of a factorial number:n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x (n-3) x ... x 2 x 1.After that zero factorial denoted 0! is a problem that one has to acceptby convention 0!=1 as a part of definition.One has to prove zero factorial to be one.Only from the definition of a factorial number and by dividing both sidesby n one has: n!/n (n-1)! or (n-1)! = n!/nwhen n=2 one has (2-1)! = 2!/2 or 1! = 2x1/2 or 1! = 1when n=1 one has (1-1)! = 1!/1 or 0! = 1/1 or 0! = 1. =This is a proof that zero factorial is equal to one to be known.But a new proof is:A Schema Proof Without WordsThat Zero Factorial Is Equal To One.... ... ...Now the expression 0! = 1 is already a proof, not need a definitionnor a convention. So the defining 0 factorial to be 1 is unvaluable.The proof "without words" abovethat zero factorial is equal to one is a New that:*One has not to accept by convention 0!=1 anymore.*Zero factorial is not an empty product.*This Schema leads to a Law of Factorial.Note that the above schema is true but should not be used in a formal proof for 0!=1.The problem arises when you simplify the pattern formed by this schema into a MacLauren Series, which is the mathematical basis for it in the first place. Upon doing so you arrive with, . This representation illustrates that upon solving it you use 0!.In proofs you cannot define something by using that which you are defining in the definition. (ie) 0! can't be used when solving a problem within a proof of 0!.For clarification, the above series will represent the drawn out solution for the factorial of a number, i. (ie) 1×76 -6×66 +15×56 -20×46 +15×36 -6×26 +1×16 , where i=6.
The product of all whole numbers except zero that are less than or equal to a numbr is a factorial number.
Zero factorial, written as 0!, equals 1. This is a simple math equation.
It is not except when n = 1.
yes, 0!=1 default.
Factorial 25 (25!) is equal to 1.5511210043 × 1025 what is 1025