If there is no remainder, you can use the relation:dividend = divisor x quotient If you ONLY know the divisor, you don't have enough information; though you can make up any number for the quotient, and multiply them together to get the dividend.
Divide the divisor into the dividend which will result as a quotient and sometimes having a remainder
Oh, isn't that just a happy little math problem? When the quotient is 8, the divisor is 4, and the remainder is 3, we can use the formula: Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder. So, the dividend would be (4 x 8) + 3, which equals 35. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, math can be a peaceful and joyful experience.
The three parts to a division problem are: Dividend, Divisor, and Qoutient. To calculate the value of any of the terms, two of the terms need to be known values. To calculate the dividend, multiply the quotient by the divisor.
I think that you are thinking of the quotient, which is the answer when you divide the two numbers, called the dividend and the divisor. Example: 6 divided by 3 equals 2. The dividend is 6. The divisor is 3. The quotient is 2. Think, how many 3's does it take to make a 6? The answer, called the quotient, is 2. It takes 2 3's to make a 6.
If the divisor and the dividend are positive then the quotient will be positive too.
If there is no remainder, you can use the relation:dividend = divisor x quotient If you ONLY know the divisor, you don't have enough information; though you can make up any number for the quotient, and multiply them together to get the dividend.
we can multiply the divisor & the quotient to find the dividend
Divide the divisor into the dividend which will result as a quotient and sometimes having a remainder
To find the mixed number you need to first divide to find the quotient and remainder. So 71 over 8 has a quotient of 8 and remainder 7. So the general way of writing a mixed number is dividend over divisor = quotient (remainder over divisor) dividend/divisor = quotient remainder/divisor) So 71 over 8 = 8 7/8.
Oh, isn't that just a happy little math problem? When the quotient is 8, the divisor is 4, and the remainder is 3, we can use the formula: Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder. So, the dividend would be (4 x 8) + 3, which equals 35. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, math can be a peaceful and joyful experience.
The three parts to a division problem are: Dividend, Divisor, and Qoutient. To calculate the value of any of the terms, two of the terms need to be known values. To calculate the dividend, multiply the quotient by the divisor.
quotent X divisor + remainder = dividend
I think that you are thinking of the quotient, which is the answer when you divide the two numbers, called the dividend and the divisor. Example: 6 divided by 3 equals 2. The dividend is 6. The divisor is 3. The quotient is 2. Think, how many 3's does it take to make a 6? The answer, called the quotient, is 2. It takes 2 3's to make a 6.
The remainder of two positive integers can be calculated by first dividing one number (the dividend) by the other (the divisor) using integer division (ignoring any fractional component). Multiply this quotient by the divisor, then subtract the product from the dividend. The result is the remainder. Alternatively, while the dividend remains greater than the divisor, subtract the divisor from the dividend and repeat until the dividend is smaller than the divisor. The dividend is then the remainder.
A sentence can say "The divisor in this division problem is 26". The word 'divisor' is a mathematics vocabulary that people get confused with 'dividend'. I hope you don't get mixed up with those similar words. By the way, 'dividend' means the number you are going to divide the divisor to get a quotient. A quotient is an answer to a division problem.That's all the vocabulary you need to know for a division problem.
Divide 18 by 3 The dividend is 18 The divisor is 3 The answer is the quotient