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x^2 + y^2 = 9 eq(1)

x + y = 2 eq (2)


y = 2-x

substitute into (1)

x^2 + (2-x)^2 = 9

x^2 +4 -4x +x^2 = 9

2x^2 -4x -5 = 0

use quadratic formula

x = (-b +/- root(4ac)) / 2

x =( 4 + 7.483) / 4 = 2.87

y = -0.87

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9y ago

x2 + y2 = 9 ..................... 1x + y = 2 ......................... 2

from 2, y = 2 - x ..............3

Substitute in 1,

x2 + (2-x)2 = 9

x2 + 4 + x2 -4x = 9

2x2 -4x - 5 = 0

Solve for x and then substitute in 3 for y.

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Q: How do you solve the simultaneous equations x squared add y squared equals 9 and x plus y equals 2 and working out please?
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