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The one which is closer to +∞, which if the two integers are marked on a horizontal number line with +∞ to the right is the number marked further right.

In other words, if the two signs are:

  • positive, it is the one which is further away from 0, eg 10 > 5 since 10 is further from 0 than 5;
  • negative, it is the one which is closer to 0, eg -5 > -10 since -5 is closer to 0 than -10 (or can be stated as the number whose absolute value is less than the other's absolute value, ie |-5| < |-10| → -5 > -10).


if 10 > 5, then:

10 > 5

→ 10 - 10 > 5 - 10 (subtract 10 from both sides)

→ 0 > -5

→ 0 - 5 > -5 - 5 (subtract 5 from both sides)

→ -5 > -10

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It can be either one. The sign, by itself, is not sufficient to determine the answer.

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