An independent variable is the one that when plotted should go on the x-axis. The independent variable, as the name suggests, is not dependent on anything; if you're conducting an experiment, it would be the variable that you have control over to affect the results.
Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D
An variable in science something that can be changed and example is facts and figures .
The outcome is the dependent variable in science experiments.
It means that they are not supposed to be together.
Dependent variable is the variable that can be measured. However, the independent variable is the variable that changes in the two groups.
It is the variable that is changed.
a variable that depend on the independent variable
Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D
Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D
controlled variable, dependent variable and independent variable
An variable in science something that can be changed and example is facts and figures .
variable that stays the same, it does not change at all....
It means that a variable is manipulated!(:
The outcome is the dependent variable in science experiments.
The independent variable is the variable you change. The dependent is the variable you measure and the contol variable is the variable that you keep the same.
A variable that stay the same during a science experiment