The [vertical] sides of the box go from the Lower Quartile to the Upper Quartile. The Median is drawn parallel to these sides.
The whiskers stretch out from half-way up the sides of the box to the minimum and the maximum.
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.
57 is not right
Outliers on a modified box plot will be noted away from the ends of the whiskers, as they are not considered part of the range, due to the fact that they are so different from the rest of the data. In a regular box plot, the lowest value, whether it is an outlier or not, will be the beginning of the 1st whisker, the highest value, whether an outlier or not will be the end of the 2nd whisker.
Parallel box and whisker plots are regular box and whisker plots, but drawn "one-above-the other" on the piece of paper. To enable to do this easily, draw an x-axis which is big enough for the largest value in the data, and small enough for the smallest value in the data (in the entire collection of data). Plot each box-and-whisker diagram below each other.
how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)
A box and whisker plot has four quartiles in which its data is spread across.
Box-and-whisker plots highlight central values in a set of data. In order to construct a box-and-whisker plot, the first step is to order your data numerically and find the median value.
box- and - whisker plot
the data most likely
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.
the example for the box and whisker plot is THESE NUTSS
A Box and Whisker Plot
It i the smallest value in the data set and corresponds to the value of the left-most end of the whisker. Unless there were outliers, in which case it will be an "X" to the left of the left-whisker.
box-and-whisker plot
57 is not right
box-and-whisker plot