yes a gender is a categorical variable
Neither. It is a discrete variable.
Age is acontinuousvariable because it can bemeasured with numbers. A categorical variable deals with nominal variables example male or female, political view, etc
It depends on how the variable is used. At its simplest, it would be a nominal or categorical value but, if used as part of a time series, it would be an ordinal variable.
yes a gender is a categorical variable
Color is considered a categorical variable.
Neither. It is a discrete variable.
A categorical variable (also known as a discrete variable) is one whose range is countable; e.g. the variable answ has values [yes, no, not sure]. answ is a categorical variable with range 3.A continuous variable is one which is not categorical; e.g. weight is a continuous variable which can take any value between 0 and 1000 kg (say) for a human being.
A dummy variable assumes a value of either 0 or 1. A categorical variable assumes one of a usually small number of values. For example, a categorical variable might assume the values 'F' or 'M' for female or male.
Age is acontinuousvariable because it can bemeasured with numbers. A categorical variable deals with nominal variables example male or female, political view, etc