I really can not answer this question. Variables represent outcomes, properties, qualities or events. A good example of a dependent variable related to sandpaper is the amount of wood is removes. Now, this variable will depend on many factors. Can you think of some? a) The amount of time that you sand b) The roughness of the sandpaper c) The size of the piece of wood you are sanding d) The hardness of the wood you are sanding e) The pressure that you apply when you are sanding I can come up with many more independent variables if I include sanding by hand or using a machine.
one dependent and one or more independent variables are related.
when a sets of data can be separated by 2 orders of variables, which are the independent & dependent variables.
Generally, when the dependent variable appears to be the result of more than one independent variables, a multiple regression model may be suitable. It is difficult to justify adding an additional variable, that does not significantly reduce the residual error of the fit. The setting of thresholds to justify addition of variables is in the area of "stepwise regression." The data must be adequate and consistent with the assumption of independent variables. I note from the first related link: Most authors recommend that one should have at least 10 to 20 times as many observations (cases, respondents) as one has variables, otherwise the estimates of the regression line are probably very unstable and unlikely to replicate if one were to do the study over. See related links. Many more are available in the Internet. Also, many books have been written on the multiple regression- proper and improper use.
This is an abbreviation for independent and identically distributed. In the mathematical analysis of samples, it is convenient to state that each data value in the sample is a iid random variable. See related link.
The independent variable is that which the investigator changes, which results in the dependant variable which you then measure.
No, a manipulated variable (also known as independent variable) is deliberately changed in an experiment to see its effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what is being measured or observed in response to changes in the manipulated variable. They are not the same but are related in an experiment.
Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.
Yes, an experiment can have more than one dependent variable. This may be necessary when studying the effects of an intervention or treatment on multiple outcomes or behaviors. Researchers need to carefully consider how each dependent variable is related to the independent variable and how they will measure and analyze these relationships.
Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.
Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.
a DEPENDENT variable is one of the two variables in a relationship.its value depends on the other variable witch is called the independent variable.the INDEPENDENT variable is one of the two variables in a relationship . its value determines the value of the other variable called the independent variable.
The term "dependent variable" will have different meaning depending on whether it is used in the context of a mathematical expression or statistical experiment. As given in the related link: "In a statistics experiment, the dependent variable is the event studied and expected to change whenever the independent variable is altered." If we are conducting an experiment, where we believe "A" affects "B", for instance eating a lot of chocolate causes pimples, then "A" , eating chocolate is the independent variable and " B" is the event of getting pimples. Other definitions exists which convey the same concept. Other definitions may state that the dependent variable is the attribute or property being measured or identified and is the variable that is expected to change with alterations (manipulation) of the independent variable. See related link.
an independent variable is a variable that changes the dependent variable.___________________________________________________Independentvariableis:a factor or phenomenon thatcausesorinfluencesanotherassociatedfactor or phenomenon called adependent variable. For example,incomeis an independentvariablebecause it causes and influences another variableconsumption. In a mathematicalequationormodel, the independent variable is the variable whosevalueis given. In anexperiment, it is the controlledcondition(that is allowed tochangein asystematicmanner) whose effect on thebehaviorof a dependent variable is studied. Also calledcontrolled variable,explanatory variable, orpredictor variable.
It is generally not recommended to have two dependent variables in a single analysis, as it can complicate the interpretation of results. It is usually clearer to analyze each dependent variable separately in order to understand the relationship with the independent variable. If the dependent variables are closely related, consider creating a composite score or index to represent the construct.
"Y" is the dependent variable and "X" is the independent variable. This means that the value of "Y" is determined specifically by a function when applied to the value of "X", which can be any number.
The independent variable is the (x) axis or horizontal part of a graph. The dependant is the vertical (y) axis. The independent variable can change but the dependant can't, such as x=nightly sleep time and y=hours in 1 day.