

Best Answer

The first can be any one of 15 cheerleaders. For each of those . . .

The second can be any one of the remaining 14. For each of those . . .

The third can be any one of the remaining 13. For each of those . . .

The fourth can be any one of the remaining 12. For each of those . . .

The fifth can be any one of the remaining 11.

The total number of permutations is (15 x 14 x 13 x 12 x 11) = 360,360 .

But . . .

Once you have five people on a squad, the order in which they were chosen doesn't matter.

If you have A-B-C-D-E standing there, it's the same group of kids as A-B-C-E-D. So for each

squad of five, they could have been chosen in (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 120 different ways.

There are 360,360 different ways to choose squads of 5, but only (360360/120) = 3,003 different squads.

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Q: Five cheerleaders will be chosen from a group of 15 students How many different cheerleading squads can be formed?
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