No. 101 is prime.
There are three main types of decimal numbers:Terminating: these come to an end after a finite number of digits. These are the number 0 and also numbers such that their rational representation in the simplest form has a denominator whose only prime factors are 2 and 5.Repeating: these have a string of digits which repeats without end. The string may start afetr a finite number of non-repeating digits. For example, 2.1346515235235235... has the 3-digit string "235" repeating, but not straight away. These are numbers whose rational representation in the simplest form has a denominator which has a prime factor other than 2 or 5.Non-terminating and non-repeating: these have an endless number of digits with no repeating strings. These digits may be random or may contain patterns, such as 5.12122122212222.... but there cannot be a repeating string. These are irrational numbers.
first A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself so 1 isnt a prime primes are 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 etc now by repeating digits if you mean the 1's in 11 then stop at 7 if you mean repeating a digit as in the tens spot of 11 and 13 stop at 11 and 3 and 13 are repating the 3 location....etc
It is dividing the dividend by the divisor untilthere is no remainder; orthe digits in the quotient start repeating; oryou have reached a satisfactory degree of accuracy.The last bullet is because some fractions will not start repeating for a long time. Most primes will take as many digits as the prime itself: for example, 1/29 has a repeating string which is 29-digits long.
To factorise is to find the numbers that divide into the original number by only using prime numbers. For example factorise 20 = 2 times 2 times 5
If you know what rational fraction it represents then, if the denominator in the fraction's simplest form has any prime factor other than 2 and 5, then it is a repeating decimal and if not it is terminating.Otherwise you need to examine the digits of the decimal representation in detail. Remember though, that the repeating string could be thousands of digits long (or even longer).
If the denominator has ANY prime factor other than 2 or 5, then the decimal is repeating.
No. 2 is a prime but 1/2 is not a repeating decimal.
A prime number with identical digits is 11.
factorise 693 by making use of prime factors only The prime factors of 693 are 3, 7, 11 3*3 = 9 7*9 =63 11*63 = 693 See
If the denominator of the fraction has any prime factor other than 2 or 5, then it has a decimal representation with a repeating sequence of digits. If the denominator is a product of any number of 2s or 5s then it can be represented as a terminating decimal.
There are only 4 prime digits: 2, 3, 5 and 7.There are only 4 prime digits: 2, 3, 5 and 7.There are only 4 prime digits: 2, 3, 5 and 7.There are only 4 prime digits: 2, 3, 5 and 7.