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it VARIES! --- 10by10by10by10=25sqrt3

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Q: What is the area of rhombus with a permitter of 40 and 1 diagonal is 10?
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What is the area of a rhombus with a perimeter of 20 meters and a diagonal of 8 meters?

Constructing the figure, we find the other diagonal to have length 10.The area of the rhombus would thus be 10x8x0.5=40

What is the area of a rhombuswith diagorasls of10 feet and 14feet?

Area of Rhombus = length of first diagonal x length of second diagonal / 2 / means divided by So for your problem: Area of Rhombus = 10 feet x 14 feet / 2 = 70 square feet

What is the area of rhombus DEFG if DF is 10 and EF is 11?

If those are its diagonals then area is: 0.5*10*11 = 55 square units other wise use Pythagoras to find diagonal EG because area of a rhombus is 0.5 times the product of its diagonals.

What is the permitter of a 10cm square?

It is: 10+10+10+10 = 40 cm

What is the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 10?

If both diagonals are 10 units then the rhombus is, in fact, a square. Its area is 50 square units.

What is the area of a rhombus whose diagonals are 8 and 10 feet?

Area of the rhombus: 0.5*8*10 = 40 square feet

The area of a square garden is 50m how long is the diagonal?

The garden's diagonal is 10 meters.

What is the area of a square if the diagonal is 10 inches?

The area of square is : 100.0

What is the area of a square with a diagonal of 10 cm?

Area = 50 cm2

What is the perimeter of a rhombus when one of its diagonals is 7.5cm and has an area of 37.5 square cm?

Let the other diagonal be x:- If area is: 0.5*x*7.5 = 37.5 Then x is: 37.5/(0.5*7.5) = 10 The rhombus will then have 4 right angles with sides of 5 and 3.75 Using Pythagoras: hypotenuse of each triangle is 6.25 cm Therefore perimeter of the rhombus is: 4*6.25 = 25 cm

What is the perimeter of a rhombus if it has 2 diagonals. length of A diagonal is 20 cm and B diagonal is 16 cm?

Diags of rhombus form 4 Pythagorean triangles. If these triangles sides are 10 and 8 cm then hypotenuses would be 12.8 cm. Each hypotenuse is one side of the rhombus so perimeter would be 51.2 cm to nearest mm.

What is area of square whose diagonal is 10?

If diagonal is 10 then each side is sqrt 50 (Pythagoras) and area is sqrt 50 x sqrt 50 ie 50