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Whole numbers and natural numbers are the exact same, except that whole numbers include zero

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Q: What number is part of the set of whole numbers but is not in the set of natural numbers?
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Is a whole number part of a natural number?

No, the set of natural numbers is a proper subset of the set of whole numbers.

Are positive numbers whole numbers?

No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.

Can whole numbers be irrational numbers?

No. An irrational number can only be part of a whole number. Every whole number is rational.1000000

What is the difference of the whole numbers and decimals number?

Whole numbers contain no fractional part as do decimals

1 is part of whole number natural nubmer?

A whole number is one without a decimal or fraction, and a natural number is any positive integer, so this is both a whole number and an integer.

What is a number that is a natural number and an irrational number?

Natural numbers are a part of rational numbers. All the natural numbers can be categorized in rational numbers like 1, 2,3 are also rational numbers.Irrational numbers are those numbers which are not rational and can be repeated as 0.3333333.

Are all whole numbers positive numbers?

Yes, EXCEPT for the number 0. It is a whole number but is not positive or negative. Real Numbers - Everything I. Rational Numbers- Any number except for non terminating decimals A. Integers- Any negative or positive number...not a decimal1. Whole Numbers- Any positive integer INCLUDING ZEROa. Natural Numbers- Any positive integer (NOT INCLUDING ZERO) The answer is not entirely correct, Whole numbers are numbers without a fractional part or decimal point. Therefore whole numbers can be negative as well as positive. -2 is a whole number but is not positive. There are a number of different interpretations for whole numbers, from non-negative integers, positive integers and all integers (which includes negative integers)

What does whole number rational number and integer mean?

Whole number means the same thing as integer and does not have a fraction or decimal part. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers.

What is the difference between a whole number and a not whole number?

A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.

Is fractions whole numbers?

no a fraction is only part of a number

What does a whole number look like?

A whole number is any number without a decimal part - for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, are whole numbers, but 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, are not whole numbers.

Numbers to the left of decimal point?

They comprise the integer part of the number.