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If you want to figure out just the area of the triangle, the formula is base times height divided by 2. It does not matter if it is inside a square, as long as you have the legnths of all they sides you need to calculate the area of that triangle. If you do not, It would be very difficult.

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Q: How do you work out the area of a triangle inside a square?
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How do you figure out Area of a triangle?

Turn the triangle into a square work out the area for that then half your answer ---- For an equilateral triangle, use the formula 1/2 x base x perpendicular height to work out the area.

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It is actually impossible to work out the square root of a shape but you can work out the square roots of the interior and exterior angles, the area and the perimiter

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First find the area of the square (length x width) then find the area of the triangle (base x height x 2) and add the two answers together.Quadrilateral just means "four sides", but the sides have to be straight.Assuming it's a right-angle triangle? Such a triangle is half of a rectangle or square, so times by 2).

How you find the base of a triangle if you have the area and the height?

I think that this is right: if you double the triangle, to form a square and you have the height, then the height shoulc be one side of the square. As it is a square, then the base should be the height, but it will only work if it is an equilateral triangle and all of the sides are the same. good luck, and I do apologize if I am wrong!!!! :)

The legs of a right triangle are 12 and 16 inches long respectively What is the area of the triangle?

Lets work it out:- If the legs are 12 and 16 inches, then a rectangle of that size would be 192 square inches in area. As the the diagonal of the rectangle makes two equal triangles (of legs 12 and 16 inches), the area of one of these is half the area of the triangle - 192/2 = 96 square inches.

Can you work out the area of an equilateral triangle with a perimeter of XXVII inches giving details of your work?

XXVII = 27 An equilateral triangle with a perimeter of 27 inches has three equal sides of 9 inches. Area of a triangle = base times its perpendicular height divided by 2. An equilateral triangle can be considered as being two right angled triangles joined together. So by halving the length of the base we can find its height by using Pythagoras' Theorem: hypotenuse2 - base2 = height2 92-4.52 = 60.75 square inches. Square root of 60.75 = 7.794228634 inches. Area = 9x7.794228634/2 = 35.07402885 square inches. Therefore area of an equilateral triangle with a perimeter of 27 inches is 35.074 square inches correct to 3 decimal places. Answered by David Gambell, Merseyside, England.

In maths what is the area of a composite shape?

You need to break the shape up into different shapes. For example if you have a shape that is basically a triangle and a square merged together you will work out the squares area then the triangles area and add them together.

How do you work out the area of a scalene triangle?

The area of any triangle has the same formula, which is base times height, divided by 2. A scalene triangle is a triangle with three sides of unequal length, which is not important when calculating the area.

How do you work out the area of an ABC triangle?

you just have to measure it in inches all the sidesAnother Answer:-Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height

How do you work out a length of a triangle?

The way you can work out the length of a triangle is if you are given the height and the area of that triangle ( this works of you don't want to measure it) or you could just measure it.

How calculate covered area in feets?

A regular shape such as a square or rectangle - length times width. If it is an irregular shape, fit known sized squares and triangles within the shape's border and work out area of a square and a triangle times the number of squares and triangles.

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its circle triangle square circle square