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Since you are using in the arrengement the all 4 letters, then there are 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24 permutations.

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Q: How many permutations exist of the letters a b c d taken four at a time?
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How many permutations are possible of the word yard?

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120 four letter permutations if you don't allow more than one 'o' in the four letterarrangement.209 four letter permutations if you allow two, three and all four 'o'.1.- Let set A = {t,l,r,m,}, and set B = {o,o,o,o}.2.- From set A, the number of 4 letter permutations is 4P4 = 24.3.- 3 letters from set A give 4P3 = 24, and one 'o' can take 4 different positions in theword. That gives us 24x4 = 96 four letter permutations.4.- In total, 24 + 96 = 120 different four letter permutations.5.- If the other three 'o' are allowed to play, then you have 2 letters from set A thatgive 4P2 = 12 permutations and two 'o' can take 4C2 = 6 position's, giving 12x6 = 72four letter permutations.6.- One letter from set A we have 4P1 = 4, each one can take 4 different positions, therest of the spaces taken by three 'o' gives 4x4 = 16 different permutations.7.- The four 'o' make only one permutation.8.- So now we get 72 + 16 + 1 = 89 more arrangements adding to a total of 89 + 120 = 209 different 4 letter arrangements made from the letters of the word toolroom.[ nCr = n!/((n-r)!∙r!); nPr = n!/(n-r)! ]

What number of permutation of the letters in the word smart?

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How many ways can you arrange the letters oversimplification?

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How many possible permutations using the word bite?

4! Four factorial. 4 * 3 * 2 = 24 permutations ------------------------

How many different four-letter permutations are there for the letters in the word toolroom?

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What are the number of permutations of the letters of the word MATH?

For the first letter, you can choose any of the four. For the second letter, you can choose any of the remaining three. For the third letter, you can choose either of the remaining two. For the fourth letter, you don't get a choice, you have to use the one that's left. So 4x3x2x1 = 24 possible permutations.