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That will depend on the length of the other diagonal because area of a rhombus is 0.5*product of its diagonals.

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Q: What is the area of rhombus one side of which measures 20cm and one diagonal 24 cm?
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There is a yellow rhombus on the flag of Brazil The long diagonal on the rhombus measures 7.0 units The short diagonal on the rhombus measures 4.4 units The area of any rhombus is half the product?

That is one of the ways of finding the area of a rhombus. The area is half the product of the diagonals. In this case, 1/2 of 7 x 4.4 or .154. You can also find the area of a rhombus by using one side as the base and finding an altitude for that base and multiplying them. There is a third way using trigonometry.

What is the area of a rhombus with a perimeter diagonal?

it is impossible for a diagonal of a rhombus to be the same length as its perimeter

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Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular so the product is the area. If x is the smaller diagonal, the longer is 4x, and the area if 4x2.

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What is the area of a rhombus with a perimeter of 20 meters and a diagonal of 8 meters?

Constructing the figure, we find the other diagonal to have length 10.The area of the rhombus would thus be 10x8x0.5=40

What is the missing diagonal of a rhombus if the area is 120ft2 and the other diagonal is 16 feet?

Given: The area of the rhombus is 120 square feet The diagonal of the rhombus is 16 feet think of the rhombus being two identical triangles, connected at their base which is 16 feet long. Each of them would then have an area of 60 feet. Now, in a triangle, area = (base * height) / 2 the area is already given as 60, and the base as 16 we can say then: 60 = (16 * h) / 2 ∴60 = 8h ∴h = 7.5 Now, that 7.5 is half the length of the rhombus (as it's the height of one of our triangles, which each are half our rhombus). So we know that that the other diagonal on the rhombus is twice that. In other words, the answer is 15.

What is the area of a rhombus that has tha base of 21 and the diagonal of 22?

231 Radical 3

What is the area of rhombus with a permitter of 40 and 1 diagonal is 10?

it VARIES! --- 10by10by10by10=25sqrt3

How do I find the area of a rhombus with just one diagonal?

If side is given too, then you can find area with one diagonal. As diagonals bisect each other in a rhombus at 90°, Using Pythogoras Theorem: (Half d1)² = (side)² - (Half d2)²

What is the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 12 and 5?

The diagonals bisect each other. Since that is true then the area of the rhombus is the sum of the two triangles. Half of one diagonal times the other diagonal.2(6x5)/2 or 6x5=30

What is the area of a rhombuswith diagorasls of10 feet and 14feet?

Area of Rhombus = length of first diagonal x length of second diagonal / 2 / means divided by So for your problem: Area of Rhombus = 10 feet x 14 feet / 2 = 70 square feet