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The limit is 2. (Take the deriviative of both the top and bottom [L'Hôpital's rule] and plug zero in.)

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Q: What is the limit of x-sin x cos x over tan x -x as x tends to zero?
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Why does the derivative of sin x equal cos x reason not prove?

Because the slope of the curve of sin(x) is cos(x). Or, equivalently, the limit of sin(x) over x tends to cos(x) as x tends to zero.

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If x --> 0+ (x tends to zero from the right), then its logarithm tends to minus infinity. On the other hand, x --> 0- (x tends to zero from the left) makes no sense, at least for real numbers, because the logarithm of negative numbers is undefined.

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What is the limit of infinity over zero?

infinity? Infinity over zero is undefined, or complex infinity depending on numbers you are including in your number system.

What do you get if you divide any number by 0?

It depends what the number is: f the number is not zero you get an error as it cannot be done. If the number is zero you get any number you want. This is used in calculus as the limit of a division where the dividend and divisor both tend towards zero: the limit is zero divided by zero, but as the numbers tend towards zero the division tends towards a value. For example, if a chord is drawn on a circle as one point moves towards the other, the slope of the cord (as calculated by the gradient between the two end points) tends towards the slope of the tangent at the point which is not moving - when the points coincide you have zero divided by zero and this is the slope of the tangent at the point!

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The answer depends on the side from which x approaches 0. If from the negative side, then the limit is negative infinity whereas if from the positive side, it is positive infinity.

What is the difference between x tends to 0 and limit of x tends to 0?

The difference can probably be stated more explicitly in mathematical terms."x tends to 0" typically implies that x is an independent variable of an unstated function. You are evaluating the function as this variable tends to zero; or, limx→0 f(x)."limit of x tends to 0" instead implies that "x" is the function, and the value of it as you approach some unstated value tends to 0; or, lima→b x(a) = 0 where "b" is the value the function is approaching, whether real or ±infinity.

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Under 20 years there is a zero tolerance limit, over twenty years its .08

Evaluate limit x tends to 0 sinx x?

The limit as x approaches zero of sin(x) over x can be determined using the squeeze theorem.For 0 < x < pi/2, sin(x) < x < tan(x)Divide by sin(x), and you get 1 < x/sin(x) < tan(x)/sin(x)That is the same as 1 < x/sin(x) < 1/cos(x)But the limit as x approaches zero of 1/cos(x) is 1,so 1 < x/sin(x) < 1which means that the limit as x approaches zero of x over sin(x) is 1, and that also means the inverse; the limit as x approaches zero of sin(x) over x is 1.You can also solve this using deriviatives...The deriviative d/dxx is 1, at all points. The deriviative d/dxsin(x) at x=0 is also 1.This means you have the division of two functions, sin(x) and x, at a point where their slope is the same, so the limit reduces to 1 over 1, which is 1.

What is zero to the fourth power?

Zero to any non-zero real number power is equal to zero. Unless a function evaluates to 'zero to the infinity power' then you must take limits to determine what the limit evaluates to. Zero to the zero power is undefined, but you can take a limit of the underlying function to determine if the limit exists.

What is Limit x to the power of x as x tends to infinity?

we can give a general expression: and limit is consider in only positive direction since ln eista for positives only nx is called the hyper power of x and when x tends to zero the general case is if n is a odd number then answer is zero if n is a even number it is 1 since consider the following example xx = ex ln(x) and when x tend s to zero the value is 1. let it is 3x = e x2 ln(x) whose value is zero similarly for other cases

What is the solution for limit x tends to zero tank minus sink whole divided by k?

Since x is not a part of the expression, x can approach zero without any effect. So, the answer would be (tank-sink whole)/k, k&lt;&gt;0.