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Q: How many square meters of space are inside a rectangular fence that is 5 meters long and 7 meters wide?
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How many square meters of space are inside a rectangular fence that is 6.5 meters long and 3 meters wide?

To answer this type of question one simply multiplies the length by the width. * 6.5 x 3 = 19.5 square metres.

You are enclosing a garden with prefabricated fencing you got. You found 16 pieces of fence that are 5 meters long. What is the maximum rectangular are you can enclose with these pices of fence?

The pieces would be arranged 4 by 4, That is 20 meters by 20 meters or 400 square meters.

How much maximum area can 100 ft of fence hold in a rectangle?

The maximum area possible using 100 feet of fencing is that inside a circular fence. But, since you asked about a rectangular fence: a 25x25 fence would hold 625 square feet. a 10x40 fence would hold 400 square feet. a 5x45 fence would hold 225 square feet. As you can see, the square is the rectangle that encompasses the largest area, as it is closest to a circle.

Enclosing a rectangular area using 34 feet of fence?

The area would be 30 square feet.

What is the area of a fence that measures 60 m X 60 m?

3600 square meters

The Phillips family wants to fence their backyard They know the yard has a perimeter of 24 meters and an area of 32 square meters What is the yards length and width?

8 meters and 4 meters

If a rectangular yard measuring 42ft by 49 ft is bordered and surrounded by a fence inside a walk that is 4ft wide and goes all the way along the fence what is the area of this walk?


How long is a rope that goes around a square plot that is 6 meters on each side?

24 meters, if it stays tight against the outside of the fence

How many square meters in a 8 linear meter fence?

I have a 15 metre fence to put ip using 150mm posts and palings, how do I convert to linear metres

How many meters of fencing wiil be needed if a fence was built around a 44 by 48 meter lot?

Assuming the lot is square, you will need to find the perimeter of the lot. The perimeter is equal to the sum of the length of every side of the figure. In this case, (again, assumed), the figure is a square. This square has two sides of length 44 meters and two sides of length 48 meters. The calculation would be as follows:(44 + 44 + 48 +48) = 184 meters of fencing.If you also needed to find the number of square meters of fencing actually needed to build the fence, you could then multiply 184 (the total length of the perimeter you intend to enclose) by the desired height of the finished fence. Say you wanted a 2-meter-high fence.You could then calculate:184 meters long x 2 meters high = 368 meters^2, or 368 square meters of fencing.

If you have 100 meters of fencing what is the area of the largest pen you can make?

The largest pen you can make is a circle with a circumference of 100 meters.Its diameter is 31.83 meters, and its area = 795.77 square meters.It's a lot easier to just go with a square ... the largest area you can make with straight sides.Use the 100 meters of fence to enclose a (25 x 25) square. The area is 625 square meters.

How many fence post for 11 acres at 10 feet apart?

Specifying the area inside the fence doesn't tell you the shape or the distancearound it (the "perimeter"). Here are the shortest possibilities. It could beanything longer than these.-- The shortest possible perimeter, requiring the least fence, is to enclosethe area inside a circle. For 11 acres, the diameter of the circle has to be781 feet, and the distance around it is 2,453.8 feet ... that's 246 fenceposts, not including whatever you do for a gate.-- If the sides of the lot are straight, then the shortest possible perimeteris a square. For 11 acres, each side of the square has to be 692.2 feet, andthe distance around it is 2,768.8 feet ... that's 277 fence posts plus the gate.If the lot is rectangular and not square, then the longer and skinnier it is,the more fence it'll need, with no limit. For example, the lot could be 33-ftwide and 14,520-ft long. That's 11 acres inside, and 29,106-ft around ...2,911 fence posts plus the gate.