It is what people put over their door for Epiphany or the coming for the 3 wise men. I always forget their names but they start with C, M and B. It is also sometimes said to mean Bless this house in german.
b+b+b+c+c+c+c =3b+4c
2b + 2c or 2(b + c)
And how does this relate to coins?
A+c= 2a+b
Because there is no way to define the divisors, the equations cannot be evaluated.
b+b+b+c+c+c+c =3b+4c
b + b + b + c + c + c + c = 3b + 4c
It is impossible to give any decimal/numeric value if we are not given the values of at least one variable, so the answer is B + B + B + C + C + C.
2b + 2c or 2(b + c)
There is no such term as "building function" in C++.
And how does this relate to coins?
A "+" before parentheses means + 1 times everything inside, so +(a+b-c) means +a+b-c
a= (+a) or a= (-) b= 2a b= 2a c= (-a) c= (+a)
A+c= 2a+b
If a + b + c + d + 80 + 90 = 100, then a + b + c + d = -70.
If: a = b+c+d Then: c = a-b-d
Because there is no way to define the divisors, the equations cannot be evaluated.