With considerable difficulty since there are a lot more than 3 possible outcomes.
On a single roll, three out of the six possible outcomes are even numbers = 50%.
this question is really hard!
There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.
Three possible outcomes:WinLooseDraw
18 outcomes
Number of useful outcomes over number of possible outcomes and simplify it if you can. Imagine you want an even number and you roll a die. There are 6 possible outcomes and three of them are useful outcomes (outcomes we want). 3 6 Simplify it and you get 1 2
Four outcomes, three combinations.
There are two outcomes for each coin and three coins; 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 = 8 outcomes.
C(8,3) = 56
when you toss a coin three times, the total number of possible outcomes is
We use three coins (quarter, nickel, dime) each are flipped only once. We get 8 possible outcomes (or four outcomes as an alternative).
The number of outcomes depends on what the experiment is! If the variable of interest is the size, there are just three outcomes. If the variable of interest is price, then there is not enough information to determine the possible outcomes.
6 outcomes for each die and so 6x6x6 outcomes for all three