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Q: What are the possible outcomes that appear on the face of three dice when rolled?
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What are the possible outcomes if three coins are tossed and die is rolled?

There are 48 possible outcomes and I have no intention of listing them all. They are all of the form CCCD where C = H or T, and D takes the numeric values from 1 to 6.

How many possible outcomes of tossing three coins?

There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

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With considerable difficulty since there are a lot more than 3 possible outcomes.

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Three possible outcomes:WinLooseDraw

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How many outcomes are possible if a six sided cube is tossed three times?

18 outcomes

What is the probability of getting an even number if the die is rolled once?

50% A 6-sided die has 6 possible numbers that you can roll. 3 of those are even (2,4,6) That means three of the six possible outcomes will be positive. 3 divided by six is 50%

How do you do a probability?

Number of useful outcomes over number of possible outcomes and simplify it if you can. Imagine you want an even number and you roll a die. There are 6 possible outcomes and three of them are useful outcomes (outcomes we want). 3 6 Simplify it and you get 1 2

Two coins are flipped and a die is rolled how many possible outcomes are there?

Each coin can land in two ways.The die has 6 possible outcomes.So there are 2 x 2 x 6 = 24 possible outcomes for the whole experiment.Note that I am assuming the coins can be told apart - say the first coin and 2nd coin and that H and then T is different that T and then H. If not, then there are only be three outcomes for the coins-- 2 heads, 1 head or no heads and the total number of outcomes would be 3 X 6 = 18.

If you flip a coin 2 times how many possible outcomes are there How many combinations?

Four outcomes, three combinations.

If there are three coins and each is flipped once how many possible outcomes are there?

There are two outcomes for each coin and three coins; 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 = 8 outcomes.

What are possible outcomes if you roll three dice?

C(8,3) = 56