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First you must decide what basis you are using for logarithms. Often this will be the number 10, or the number e. (In theory, any number greater than 1 will work.) Then you just raise the base to your number. For example, the antilog (base-10) of 5 is simply 105 = 100,000. Your scientific calculator should have an antilog key.

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Q: How do you find anti log of a number?
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How do you use the anti log on a TI-89 calculator'?

To find anti log of a number enter the number as the exponent of 10.

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It is simply 10 to that power. Thus, antilog(231) = 10231. Could not be simpler.

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The anti-log of what ??? If log(12) = 1.07918, then antilog(1.07918) = 12 Did you want the anti-log of 12 ? That's 1,000,000,000,000.

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How do you find antilog of a negative number using a log table?

Ignoring the minus sign, separate the number into the whole number part and the decimal part.Add 1 to the whole number partSubtract the decimal part from 1.Look up the result of step 3 in the [anti-]log tableDivide the result of step 4 by the base to the power of the number found in step 2.Due to step 5, it is better to work with common logs (logs to base 10) when using log tables.Example:Find the anti-log to base 10 of -2.123:-2.123 separates out into 2 and 0.1232 becomes 2 + 1 = 30.123 becomes 1 - 0.123 = 0.877Look up 0.877 → 7.537.53 ÷ 103 = 0.00753→ anti-log to base 10 of -2.123 is [approx] 0.00753

How do you put log functions in a TI-84?

In order to find the log with a power of ten, use the LOG button. For example, to find log105, type log(5). (The parenthesis after the g will appear when you press the LOG button. In order to find a log with a power other than ten, you will have to divide by the log10 of that power. For example, to find log82, type log(8)/log(2). In order to find the natural log of a number, use the LN key. For example, to find the natural log of 91, type ln(91).

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If log(x) = y then log(x3) = 3*log(x) = 3*y so that x3 = antilog(3*y) So, to find the cibe of x 1) find log x 2) multiply it by 3 3) take the antilog of the result.

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