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Q: How do you find the x and y intercepts of a linear equation?
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Find the x and y intercepts of 3x-2y6?

Given the linear equation 3x - 2y^6 = 0, the x and y intercepts are found by replacing the x and y with 0. This gives the intercepts of x and y where both = 0.

A linear equation cannot always be graphed by using intercepts alone?

Yes it can. A linear equation in the form of y=mx+b can always be graphed used the x and y intercepts.

How do you find the x and y intercepts of a linear equation in standard form?

The y-intercept is c in the standard form. The x-intercept is -c/m.

How would you use intercepts to find the vertex in a quadratic equation with two x intercepts?

The vertex must be half way between the two x intercepts

Do all graphs of linear equations have x intercepts?

YES, all linear equations have x-intercepts. because of the x, y has to be there 2!

How do you find the maximum height of a parabolic path?

If "a" is negative then the graph is a cap. Find the x intercepts. Average the two x intercepts and substitute that into the equation it will give you the y.

How to find the x-intercepts when there is no y?

If there is no y, then the equation is of the form x = c where c is some constant value. And so the line intercepts the x axis at (c,0).

Find the x and y intercept of 9x54-6y?

I believe that you need an equation to solve for the x and y intercepts.

How do you find the x and y intercepts of an equation?

Substitute zero for x to find the y-intercept, and substitute zero for y to find the x-intercept.

How do you use a graphing calculator to solve quadratic equations?

Graph the equation then find the x intercepts.

How do you determine the intercepts from an equation or graph?

From the equation, the y intercept is simply determined by setting x = 0. The x intercept(s) are generally much harder to find: you will need to find the solutions of y = 0 [or f(x) = 0]. From the graph the intercepts are the coordinates of the points at which the graph crosses the axes.

What is the intercept of the equation y equals -x?

The 'x' and 'y' intercepts of that equation are both at the origin.