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To complete a mile in 7 minuets or less you must stay at a constant speed of at least 9 miles per hour.

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Q: How fast do you have to run for a 7 minute mile?
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How fast do you need to run in kilometers to achieve 7 minute miling?

You must maintain a pace of at least 13.8km/h for one mile.

How fast do you have to run a mile in the army?

7 minutes

How do you run a 6 minute mile in 7 weeks?

you don't, you run it in 6 minutes.

What is the treadmill pace to run a 7 minute mile?

60/7 = 8.571 mph

What should you set the treadmill at to run a 9 minute mile?

Set the treadmill at 7 mph.

How fast should you run a mile and a half in 11 minutes?

If your goal is a 11 min. mile and a half, your mile time should be about 7:33.

What speed do you need to average to run a 7 minute mile?

Seven minutes is 7/60 hours. If you want to make your speed in miles per hours then divide 7 into 60. 60/7=about 8.57 miles per hour. A fast jogger could do this. I'm a fast walker and can average 4.1 mph.

How fast is 8 minute mile?

You must maintain an average speed of 7.52 mph

How long does it take the average person to run 1 mile?

i can run a 5:43 and im in 9th grade girl... but all my friends are fit and they run about a 7 or 8 minute mile... i think the average mile time for a girl my age is about an 8 minute mile. if anyone disagrees then so be it im not a scientist... just a person. everyone can give their opion

What travels at 7 miles an hour?

12+ minute mile- low fitness 11 minute mile- below average fitness 10 minute mile-average fitness 9 minute mile- decent fitness 8 minute mile- commendable fitness 7 minute mile- exceptional fitness 6 minute mile- "Athlete Level" fitness 5 minute mile- "Super Athlete Level" Fitness <4 minute mile: WOW

Is 8 minutes good for a 7 year old boy to run?

An 8 minute mile is very good for a 7 year old. My son ran around an 8 minute mile in 5th grade when he was 11 years old and he was second in the school. So an 8 minute mile is good for a seven year old.

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