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Q: If x not equal to y then (xy) is not equal to (yx) what is if xy?
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The problem to solve is: xy+x+3y+3 Multiply y and x Multiply the y and x Multiply y and x The y just gets copied along. The x just gets copied along. The answer is yx yx x*y evaluates to yx x*y+x evaluates to yx+x Multiply y and 3 Multiply y and 1 The y just gets copied along. The answer is y y 3*y evaluates to 3y The answer is yx+x+3y x*y+x+3*y evaluates to yx+x+3y The answer is yx+x+3y+3 x*y+x+3*y+3 evaluates to yx+x+3y+3 ---- The final answer isyx+x+3y+3----

Xy plus yx equals 545 what is the value of x and y?

xy and yx are identical so you have 2xy = 545 ie xy = 272.5. Possible answers 5 and 54.5, 10.9 and 25 etc

The only integer n where n equals xy equals yx and x does not equal y?

This gives us the equations: n = xy = yx x != y (Note that for this example, the != stands for not equal to similar to some programming languages.) xy always equals yx due to the communtative property of multiplication. So there are actually an infinite number of answers. Some are given below: 6 = (2)(3) = (3)(2), 2 != 3 12 = (3)(4) = (4)(3), 3 != 4

What is the derivative of x squared?

f'(x)xy=yx(y-1) f'(x)2=2x1=2x

Simplify xy over yx divided by 2x over 2y?

xy over yx can be simplified to 1. 2x over 2y can be simplified to x over y. So the final step would be to simplify 1 divided by x over y, which would just be 1 multiplied by y over x. Answer: y/x (y over x)

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That is irrelevant, there is not possible way y=xy, and there is no possible way xy=x.

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What is meant by xx xy yx yy?

These letters represent the four possible combinations of alleles for a gene located on the X and Y chromosomes. In genetics, "XX" represents a female with two X chromosomes, "XY" represents a male with one X and one Y chromosome, "YX" does not have a genetic meaning, and "YY" is not a valid combination as males cannot have two Y chromosomes.

How do you factor x2- y2?


If x plus y equals 3 and yx equals 2 then y is equal to what?

If x+y = 3 and y times x = 2 then y = 1.

How do you find the area of a square with a side length of x plus y?

Area of a square = side length squared (x+y)2 (x+y)(x+y) x2+xy+yx+y2 Area = x2+2xy+y2