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The largest area rectangle that can be enclosed by 550 feet of Fencing is a square, which would have sides of 550/4 = 137.5 feet and therefore an area of 1.89 X 104 square feet, to the justified number of significant digits. There is no theoretical lower limit greater than zero on the area of a rectangle that would satisfy the stated conditions. As a possible practical limit, consider a rectangle with two sides each of length 273 feet and the other two sides 1 foot each. This would have an area of only 273 square feet. If the short sides could be made only 0.1 foot in length, the longer side lengths would be 274.9 feet and the area only 27.49 square feet.

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Q: If you have 550 ft of fencing what are the areas of the different rectangles you could enclose with the fencing?
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Find 4 rectangles with same area with different perimeter?

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What is the perimeter of 5000 acres in meters?

You can't tell the linear dimensions from knowing only the area. There are an infinite number of shapes that all have the same area. Even if you consider only rectangles, there are still an infinite number of different rectangles, all with different lengths and widths, that all have areas of 5,000 acres.