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The sum of opposite angles is 180 degrees and that is a necessary and sufficient condition for a quadrilateral to be cyclic.

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Q: Is every square cyclic
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Is every square is cyclic quadilateral?


Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic?

Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.

Is every abelian group is cyclic or not and why?

every abelian group is not cyclic. e.g, set of (Q,+) it is an abelian group but not cyclic.

Can a rhombus be cyclic?

Only if it is a square.

Are the sides of a cyclic quadrilateral equal?

No. In fact, a rhombus cannot be cyclic - unless it is a square.

Is every abelian group is cyclic or not?


Prove that every a cyclic group is an abelia?

Let G be the cyclic group generated by x, say. Ten every elt of G is of the form x^a, for some a

Proof or Disprove 'If every proper subgroup of G is cyclic then G must be cyclic'?

No! Take the quaternion group Q_8.

Is every finite abelian group is cyclic?

No, for instance the Klein group is finite and abelian but not cyclic. Even more groups can be found having this chariacteristic for instance Z9 x Z9 is abelian but not cyclic

What is a menstructual cycle?

Every women has a menstructual cycle. It is nothing but a cyclic discharge of every 33 to 39 days

Prove that a group of order 5 must be cyclic?

There's a theorem to the effect that every group of prime order is cyclic. Since 5 is prime, the assertion in the question follows from the said theorem.

What is the difference between Linear Block Codes and Cyclic Codes?

linear codes and cyclic codes sub class of block codeswhere linear codes satisfies linearity property i.e. addition of any two code vectors produces another valid code vector where as cyclic codes satisfies cyclic shift property i.e. for every cyclic shift of a code vector produces another valid code vector