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Surface Area = 1/2 x {times} the perimiter x {times}it by the the side length

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Q: Surface area formula of a pyramid?
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How do you find the surface area of an octagonal pyramid?

The formula to find the area of an octagonal pyramid is area of base plus area of sides.

What is formula of a rectangle based pyramid?

The answer depends on the what characteristic of the pyramid you want the formula for: its surface area, its volume or something else.

What is the formula to find the area of pyramid?

It has to do with the surface area formula: To find the total surface area of a pyramid, use this equation: Surface Area = B + 1/2 * P * s B = base area P = perimeter of the base s = slant height To find the volume of a Pyramid, substitute into this equation: V=1/3Bh B=base area h=height of pyramid

What is the formula for a tiangular pyramid?

The volume of a triangular pyramid can be found using the formula Volume=Base Area x height /3. Surface Area can be expressed as Surface Area =Base Area+0.5 x perimeter x side length.

What is the mathematical formula for calculating the surface area of a truncated pyramid?

To calculate the surface area of a truncated pyramid, you first take the surface area of each side. That would be the base time the straight height. If it is a 4 side pyramid with equivelant sides, multiply that answer by 4.

What is the formula of square pyramid?

The formula for a square pyramid is one square attached to four triangles which meet at a point.There are other formulae for the surface area or for the volume.

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

What is the formula for finding the surface area of a octagonal based pyramid?

Find The Area Of Base and The Four 'Faces' and add them together.

What is the surface area formula of a square pyramid?

This is a popular topic, discussed in many places on the web. The attached link is one place that I like. If you want to look for others just google for surface area square pyramid.

What is the formula to calculate the surface area for a triangular pyramid?

SA equals pi times the radius squared

What is the formula for the surface area of a regular pyramid?

Its when you multiple the base times the height and divide by the width. Formula: (B x H) divided by W

How do you find the surface area of a pyramid?

Add the area of the base to the combined area of the faces Or just do this formula: PIxradius squared+ PIxradiusxThe slant height (if it is given)