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Q: The area of a rhombus equals two times the product of the lengths of its diagonals?
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The area of a rhombus equals one-half times the product of the lengths of its diagonals?


What is the area of a rhombus if ac equals 14 bd equals 17 and ab equals 11?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonalsIn your case, that's 14 x 17 / 2 = 119

The area of a rhombus equals one-half times the sum of the lengths of its diagonals?


What is the formula for calculating volume of rhombus?

A rhombus has four equal sides and its diagonals bisect each other at right angles. The area of the rhombus ia given by following formula where x and y are the lengths of the diagonals of the rhombus...A=1/2xy. Example, the diagonals of a rhombus where x = 26 and y = 14....A=1/2xy...=1/2 x 26 x 14 which equals 182. so the area of the rhombus is 182 square inches, miles or whatever measurement you are dealing with the 3d annaloge to a rhombus is the rhomboid, the formula to fin dteh volume of that is A . (B x C).

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 12 and BD equals 7?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonals:Area = (1/2) * ( 12 * 7) = 42.The way this works: for a rhombus, the diagonals bisect each other (they intersect at the other's midpoint), so split this into two identical triangles BCD and BAD.The area of one of these triangles is (1/2) * Base * Height, with Base = length of BD, and Height = 1/2 length of AC.So area of one triangle = (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC), and area of rhombus is 2 * area of triangle, so you have 2 * (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC) = (1/2) * (BD) * (AC)

In which quadrilateral are the diagonals always congruent?

The diagonals of a rhombus are always congruent. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides of equal length. Due to its symmetry, the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles, and they are always of the same length. This property distinguishes a rhombus from other quadrilaterals like rectangles or parallelograms.

What would the area of a rectangle be with a b equals 8in and a h equals 5in be?

Without knowing where a, b and h are, we have no way of knowing whether ab and ah are lengths, widths or diagonals and consequently, no way of determining the area.

What is the area of rhombus DEFG if DF equals 10 and EG equals 11?

The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other and bisect one another. So you can consider the diagonals dividing the rhombus into 4 identical, right-angled triangles where the sides subtending the right angle are of length 10/2 and 11/2. The area of each of these triangles is 1/2 * 10/2 * 11/2 = 110/8 There are 4 such triangles, so their combined area is 4 * 110 / 8 = 110 / 2 = 55 square units.

What is the area of the quadrilateral ABCD whose vertices are at -1 4 and 3 7 and 5 2 and -4 -17 respectively on the Cartesian plane?

Its diagonals intersect each other at right angles when plotted on the Cartesian plane Its diagonal lengths are 2 times square root of 10 and 8 times square root of 10 Its area is 0.5 times product of its diagonals equals 80 square units

What is the formula to find the diagonals of a figure?

1/2*(n2-3n) = diagonals when n equals number of sides.

How many 25gyard lengths equals one mile?

70.4 lengths

Find the area of the rhombus if AE equals 20m and DE equals 32m?

ind the area of the rhombus if AE = 20 m and DE = 32 m.