27350 is divisible by 5. If you mean 27 and 350, the former is not divisible by 5 but the latter is.
To find the number that can be added to 368 to make it divisible by 27, you need to first determine the remainder when 368 is divided by 27. You can do this by finding the modulus of 368 divided by 27, which is 17. To make 368 divisible by 27, you need to add the difference between 27 and the remainder (27 - 17 = 10). Therefore, you would need to add 10 to 368 to make it divisible by 27.
No: 27 divided by 6 is 4.5
No. 27 is not evenly divisible by four.
No. 27 is not evenly divisible by 32.
27 is wholly divisible by 1, 3, 9, and 27.
27350 is divisible by 5. If you mean 27 and 350, the former is not divisible by 5 but the latter is.
no, 27 is odd.
Subtract 8 times the last digit from remaining truncated number. Repeat the step as necessary. If the absolute of result is divisible by 27, the original number is also divisible by 27 Check for 945: 94-(8*5)=54; 5-(8*4)=-27 Since 27 is divisible by 27, the original no. 945 is also divisible. Check for 264681: 26468-(8*1)=26460; 2646-(8*8)=2582; 264-(8*6)=216 21-(8*6)=-27 Since 27 is divisible by 27, the original no. 264681 is also divisible. Check for 81: 8-(8*1)=0; Since 0 is divisible by 27, the original no. 81 is also divisible.
No remainder. It has the same rule as 3 for divisibility. Add them up and if that is divisible by 27 then the number is divisible by 27.
Sum the digits in blocks of three from right to left. If the result is divisible by 27, then the number is divisible by 27
27 is divisible by three because the sum of 2 and 7 is divisible by three. However, this trick only works with the numbers 3 and 9. 27 divided by 3 is 9.
Yes 405 is divisible by 15 and the answer is 27.
They are both divisible by 1 and 3
To find the number that can be added to 368 to make it divisible by 27, you need to first determine the remainder when 368 is divided by 27. You can do this by finding the modulus of 368 divided by 27, which is 17. To make 368 divisible by 27, you need to add the difference between 27 and the remainder (27 - 17 = 10). Therefore, you would need to add 10 to 368 to make it divisible by 27.
Yes, 27 is divisible by 1, 3, 9, 27.