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Q: What is 4n-3 plus 5n-8?
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One possible solution is t(n)= [-4n3 + 21n2 - 16n + 18]/3

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The Great Hole but you need a wonder-mail code and the code is: wnwy jxtk &5c1 4n3- p4nm 8k&c.

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Cubes of digits 1 - 4n3. (nxnxn) 13 = 1, 23 = 8, 33 = 27...1x1x1 = 12x2x2 = 83x3x3 = 274x4x4 = 645x5x5 = 1256x6x6 = 216

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10, 48 and 116. These are derived using the cubic generator: Un = (-4n3 + 27n2 - 47n + 30)/3 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

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There are many possible answers because there are many ways of generating the sequence. One such is the cubic equation, Un = (4n3 - 19n2 + 33n - 16)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, ... So U5 = 87.

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What is the missing number in this sequence 1 13 33 53?

The answer depends on which number is missing. Even if the location of the gap is know, there are infinitely many possible solutions. The solutions listed below are polynomials of the lowest degree. First: 5 using the rule Un = (-4n3 + 48n2 - 128n + 99)/3 Second: 0 using the rule Un = (-7n3 + 84n2 - 209n + 138)/6 Third: 21.666 (recurring) using the rule Un = (3n3 - 23n2 + 84n - 61)/3 Fourth: 50 using the rule Un = (-11n3 + 90n2 - 121n + 48)/6 Fifth: 65 using the rule Un = (-4n3 + 36n2 - 44n + 15)/3