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If you think of it as a hill, then the gradient points toward the top of the hill. With the same analogy, directional derivatives would tell the slope of the ground in a direction.

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Q: What is the physical interpretation of gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative and its application?
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What is the physical interpretation of gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative?

The elevation of points on a hill is a scalar 'field'. It can have a different value at every point, but each one is a scalar value. Imagine a lumpy bumpy irregular hill, and pick a point to talk about, say, somewhere on the side of the hill. At that point, the directional derivative of the elevation is the rate at which the elevation changes leaving the point in that direction. It has different values in different directions: If you're looking up the hill, then the d.d. is positive in that direction; if you're looking down the hill, the d.d. is negative in that direction. If you're looking along the side of the hill, the d.d. could be zero, because the elevation doesn't change in that particular direction. The directional derivative is a vector. The direction is whatever direction you're talking about, and the magnitude is the rate of change in that direction. The gradient is the vector that's simply the greatest positive directional derivative at that point. Its direction is the direction of the steepest rise, and its magnitude is the rate of rise in that direction. If your hill is, say, a perfect cone, and you're on the side, then the gradient is the vector from you straight toward the top, with magnitude equal to the slope of the side of the cone. Any other vector is a directional derivative, with a smaller slope, and it isn't the gradient.

What is the derivative of x-1?

The derivative of a linear function is always its gradientIn the function y = x-1, the gradient is 1 as 1 is the co-efficient of 1x.

What is the derivative of 1/x?

The derivative of a linear function is always its gradientIn the function y = x-1, the gradient is 1 as 1 is the co-efficient of 1x.

How do you Find derivative to get the slope?

the deivative of a function is the gradient, at a point if you can sub in the x coordinate for that point

What is gradient of a vector field?

It is the rate of change in the vector for a unit change in the direction under consideration. It may be calculated as the derivative of the vector in the relevant direction.

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What is the physical interpretation of gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative and what are its applications?

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What is the physical interpretation of gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative?

The elevation of points on a hill is a scalar 'field'. It can have a different value at every point, but each one is a scalar value. Imagine a lumpy bumpy irregular hill, and pick a point to talk about, say, somewhere on the side of the hill. At that point, the directional derivative of the elevation is the rate at which the elevation changes leaving the point in that direction. It has different values in different directions: If you're looking up the hill, then the d.d. is positive in that direction; if you're looking down the hill, the d.d. is negative in that direction. If you're looking along the side of the hill, the d.d. could be zero, because the elevation doesn't change in that particular direction. The directional derivative is a vector. The direction is whatever direction you're talking about, and the magnitude is the rate of change in that direction. The gradient is the vector that's simply the greatest positive directional derivative at that point. Its direction is the direction of the steepest rise, and its magnitude is the rate of rise in that direction. If your hill is, say, a perfect cone, and you're on the side, then the gradient is the vector from you straight toward the top, with magnitude equal to the slope of the side of the cone. Any other vector is a directional derivative, with a smaller slope, and it isn't the gradient.

Why the second derivative negative for Maxima?

When you solve for the 2nd derivative, you are determining whether the function is concave up/down. If you calculated that the 2nd derivative is negative, the function is concave down, which means you have a relative/absolute maximum, given that the 1st derivative equals 0. To understand why this is, think about the definition of the 2nd derivative. It is a measure of the rate of change of the gradient. At a maximum, the gradient starts positive, becomes 0 at the maximum itself and then becomes negative, so it is decreasing. If the gradient is going down, then its rate of change, the 2nd derivative, must be negative.

The derivative finds the of a curve?

The gradient of the tangents to the curve.

What is the derivative of -1?

The derivative of a linear function is always its gradientIn the function y = x-1, the gradient is 1 as 1 is the co-efficient of 1x.

What is the derivative of x-1?

The derivative of a linear function is always its gradientIn the function y = x-1, the gradient is 1 as 1 is the co-efficient of 1x.

What is the derivative of 1/x?

The derivative of a linear function is always its gradientIn the function y = x-1, the gradient is 1 as 1 is the co-efficient of 1x.

How do you Find derivative to get the slope?

the deivative of a function is the gradient, at a point if you can sub in the x coordinate for that point

What is the gradient of the tangent to the curve at x equals 2 if Y equals x2?

Gradient to the curve at any point is the derivative of y = x2 So the gradient is d/dx of x2 = 2x. When x = 2, 2x = 4 so the gradient of the tangent at x = 2 is 4.

What is gradient of a vector field?

It is the rate of change in the vector for a unit change in the direction under consideration. It may be calculated as the derivative of the vector in the relevant direction.

Is it always true that for any polynomial px if x is a zero of the derivative then x px is a maximum or minimum value of px?

No. The important decider is the second derivative of the polynomial (the gradient of the gradient of the polynomial) at the zero of the first derivative: If less than zero, then the point is a maximum If more than zero, then the point in a minimum If equal to zero, then the point is a point of inflection. Consider the polynomial f(x) = x3, then f'(x) = 3x2 f'(0) = 0 -> x = 0 could be a maximum, minimum or point of inflection. f''(x) = 6x f''(0) = 0 -> x = 0 is a point of inflection Points of inflection do not necessarily have a zero gradient, unlike maxima and minima which must. Points of inflection are the zeros of the second derivative of the polynomial.

What does gradient mean in physics?

In physics, gradient refers to the rate of change of a physical quantity (such as temperature or pressure) in a particular direction. It represents how steeply a physical quantity changes over a distance. Mathematically, gradient is calculated as the change in the quantity divided by the distance over which the change occurs.