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Q: What is the sin theta of 45 degrees?
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What is the cot of a 45 degree angle?

1 cot(theta)=cos(theta)/sin(theta) cos(45 degrees)=sqrt(2)/2 AND sin(45 degrees)=sqrt(2)/2 cot(45 deg)=cos(45 deg)/sin(deg)=(sqrt(2)/2)/(sqrt(2)/2)=1

What is the sin theta of 30 degrees?

Sin theta of 30 degrees is1/2

Sin equals 0.9?

If sin(theta) is 0.9, then theta is about 64 degrees or about 116 degrees.

What is value of sin theta when theta equal to 13.9222?

answer is 2.34 degrees answer is 2.34 degrees

How do you calculate Sin theta equals 13 times sin 32 degrees divided by 8?

sin (theta) = [13* sin (32o)]/8 = 13*0.529919264/8 = 0.861118804 [theta] = sin-1 (0.861118804) [theta] = 59.44o

What is the value of theta if 4sin theta is equal to 2?

4 sin(theta) = 2 => sin(theta) = 2/4 = 0.5. Therefore theta = 30 + k*360 degrees or 150 + k*360 degrees where k is any integer.

Every angle theta between 0 and 360 degrees for which the ratio of sin theta to cos theta is -3?

108.435 degrees 288.435 degrees (decimal is rounded)

What is angle Theta if sine theta 0.03125?

-1 < sine(theta) < 1 so sine(theta) cannot be 3125

A 45-45-90 triangle has the hypotenuse of 1. what is the length of one of its legs?

sin theta = opp/hyp sin 45 = opp/1 opp = sin 45 = sqrt(2)/2 ~= 0.7071

Why does cos negative theta equals positive theta?

You must think of the unit circle. negative theta is in either radians or degrees and represents a specific area on the unit circle. Remember the unit circle is also like a coordinate plane and cos is the x while sin is the y coordinate. Here is an example: cos(-45): The cos of negative 45 degrees is pi/4 and cos(45) is also pi/4

What is the arc sine of 1.5 degrees?

if x if ArcSine 1.5 degrees means the sin(x)=1.5 but the range of the sin(theta) for all angles theta is between o and 1 inclusive. So there is no real answer.

Which basic trigonometric identity is actually a statement of the pythagorean theorem?

COS squared Theta + SIN squared Theta = 1; where Theta is the angles measurement in degrees.