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Q: What is the upper and lower bound for 4?
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Is the standard square root function bounded?

If the range is the real numbers, it has a lower bound (zero) but no upper bound.

What does bounded mean on a number line?

no won noes * * * * * It means that there is an upper and lower bound or limit. There is the lower bound such that you exclude any smaller numbers, and an upper bound such that you exclude bigger numbers. What you do wit hnumbers that are equal to the bounds depends on the nature of the bounds.

How do you find least upper bound and greatest lower bound (if it exists) of (0)?

The answer depends on the level of accuracy of the value 0.

What are the upper and lower bounds of the project?

They’re the ‘real value’ of a rounded number. Upper and Lower Bounds are concerned with accuracy. Any measurement must be given to a degree of accuracy, e.g. 'to 1 d.p.', or ' 2 s.f.', etc. Once you know the degree to which a measurement has been rounded, you can then find the Upper and Lower Bounds of that measurement. Phrases such as the 'least Upper Bound' and the 'greatest Lower Bound' can be a bit confusing, so remember them like this: the Upper Bound is the biggest possible value the measurement could have been before it was rounded down; while the Lower Bound is the smallest possible value the measurement could have been before it was rounded up.

What sequence has no upper bound but does not tend to infinity?

If I understand your question correctly, such a sequence is an = x cos(πx). It has neither an upper nor lower bound. It's divergent, but its limit is neither infinity nor negative infinity.

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4.46 is a fixed number: it has no upper nor lower bound. To 2 dp it is 4.46

What is the connection between Theta and Big-O notation?

Big O gives an upper bound whereas big theta gives both an upper bound and a lower bound.

What is 9.69 rounded to 2dp lower and upper bound?

9.685 to 9.694

What does bounded mean on a number line?

no won noes * * * * * It means that there is an upper and lower bound or limit. There is the lower bound such that you exclude any smaller numbers, and an upper bound such that you exclude bigger numbers. What you do wit hnumbers that are equal to the bounds depends on the nature of the bounds.

Is the standard square root function bounded?

If the range is the real numbers, it has a lower bound (zero) but no upper bound.

How do you find least upper bound and greatest lower bound (if it exists) of (0)?

The answer depends on the level of accuracy of the value 0.