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Q: What is the vertex form of a quadratic function and how do you find the vertex when a quadratic is in vertex form?
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What is the definition of a Vertex form of a quadratic function?

it is a vertices's form of a function known as Quadratic

What different information do you get from vertex form and quadratic equation in standard form?

The graph of a quadratic function is always a parabola. If you put the equation (or function) into vertex form, you can read off the coordinates of the vertex, and you know the shape and orientation (up/down) of the parabola.

What is the equation for vertex form?

The vertex form for a quadratic equation is y=a(x-h)^2+k.

How do you convert vertex form to quadratic form?

Do you have a specific vertex fraction? vertex = -b/2a wuadratic = ax^ + bx + c

In the vertex form of a quadratic function y equals a the quantity of x-b squared plus c what does the b tell you about the graph?

The standard form of the quadratic function in (x - b)2 + c, has a vertex of (b, c). Thus, b is the units shifted to the right of the y-axis, and c is the units shifted above the x-axis.

Why is it better to have the quadratic function in vertex form instead of standard form?

If you want to graph the function, it is quite easy: y=a(x-h)2-k . . . you can plot the vertex (h,k); the 'a' tells you how wide or narrow the u-shape is, and whether it opens up or down.

How do you find the vertex from a quadratic equation in standard form?

look for the interceptions add these and divide it by 2 (that's the x vertex) for the yvertex you just have to fill in the x(vertex) however you can also use the formula -(b/2a)

What part of speech is quadratic function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

What is the formula for quadratic equation in vertex form?


What part of speech is function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

What form of a quadratic function would be graphed having the vertex at the same point as the y- intercept?

The function would be in the form of ax2+c. The axis of symmetry would be the y-axis, or x = 0, because b would be zero. Likewise, the y-intercept is not important, as any value of c will still yield a vertex at the y-intercept.

What makes a function have a graph that is quadratic?

That the function is a quadratic expression.