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Q: Do you have find the croodinates for the vertex for the quadratic function?
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How would you use intercepts to find the vertex in a quadratic equation with two x intercepts?

The vertex must be half way between the two x intercepts

How do you find the vertex from a quadratic equation in standard form?

look for the interceptions add these and divide it by 2 (that's the x vertex) for the yvertex you just have to fill in the x(vertex) however you can also use the formula -(b/2a)

How can you use a graph to find zeros of a quadratic function?

The zeros of a quadratic function, if they exist, are the values of the variable at which the graph crosses the horizontal axis.

Where can i find a real-life application of a quadratic function?

Quadratic functions are used to describe free fall.

How do you find maximum height when working with quadratic equations?

In a quadratic equation, the vertex (which will be the maximum value of a negative quadratic and the minimum value of a positive quadratic) is in the exact center of any two x values whose corresponding y values are equal. So, you'd start by solving for x, given any y value in the function's range. Then, you'd solve for y where x equals the middle value of the two x's given in the previous. For example:y = x24 = x2x = 2, -2y = (0)2y = 0Which is, indeed, the vertex of y = x2

How do you find the x value of the vertex of a quadratic equation?

It depends on the level of your mathematical knowledge. One way is to differentiate the quadratic equation and find the value of x for which the derivative is 0. The advantage of this method is that it works for turning points of polynomials of all degrees. The disadvantage is that you need to know differentiation. For a quadratic, an alternative, and simpler way is to write the equation in the form: y = ax2 + bx + c Then the x value of the vertex is -b/2a

How do you find a vertex in quadratic function?

Easier to show you a simple example as I forget the formulaic approach. X2 + 4X - 6 = 0 add 6 to each side x2 + 4X = 6 Now, halve the linear term ( 4 ), square it and add it to both sides X2 + 4X + 4 = 6 + 4 gather the terms on the right side and factor the left side (X + 2)2 = 10 subtract 10 from each side (X + 2)2 - 10 = 0 (- 2, - 10 ) -------------------the vertex of this quadratic function

How do you find the zeros of any given polynomial function?

by synthetic division and quadratic equation

How do you graph a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is an equation with the form: y=Ax2+Bx+C The most important point when graphing a parabola (the shape formed by a quadratic) is the vertex. The vertex is the maximum or minimum of the parabola. The x value of the vertex is equal to -B/(2A). Once you have the x value, just plug it back into the original equation to get the corresponding y value. The resulting ordered pair is the location of the vertex. A parabola will be concave up (pointed downward) if A is +. It will be concave down (pointed upward) if A is -. It is often helpful to find the zeroes of a function when graphing. This can be done by factoring or using the quadratic formula. For every n units away from the vertex on the x-axis, the corresponding y value goes up (or down) by n2*A. Parabolas are symetrical along the vertex, which means that if one point is n units from the vertex, the point -n units from the vertex has the same y value. As an example take the following quadratic: 2x2-8x+3 A=2, B=-8, and C=3 The x value of the vertex is -B/2A=-(-8)/(2*2)=2 By plugging 2 into the original equation we get that the vertex is at (2,-5) 3 units to the right (x=5) has a y value of -5+32*2=13. This means that 3 units to the left (x=-1) has the same y value (-1,13). If you need a clearer explanation, ask a math teacher.

To find a real life application of a quadratic function?

When you are trying to find the unknown concentrations in equilibrium reaction ( chemistry ) the result if the ICE table set up devolves into a quadratic equation. Happens in physics to.

How do you graph a quadratic?

Pick at least six points (negative x values and some positive x values). You can also find its vertex (x=-b divided by 2a).

How do you find the quadratic function of y equals 7x2 plus 2x plus 11?

With difficulty because the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero meaning it has no solutions