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Trigonometric ratios, by themselves, can only be used for right angled triangles. The law of cosines or the sine law can be used for any triangle.

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Q: When would you use the law of sines or law of cosines instead of a trigonometric ratio?
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Related questions

How are sines and cosines used in meteorology?

In trigonometry sines and cosines are used to solve a mathematical problem. And sines and cosines are also used in meteorology in estimating the height of the clouds.

Is 1 plus sinX divided by 1 plus cscX equal to sinX?


How do you simplify tan ( - x ) cos ( - x )?

It helps, in this type of problem, to convert all trigonometric functions to sines and cosines. As a reminder, tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x).

Csc x tan x?

If you want to simplify that, it usually helps to express all the trigonometric functions in terms of sines and cosines.

Topics need for trigonometry?

There are several topics under the broad category of trigonometry. * Angle measurements * Properties of angles and circles * Basic trigonometric functions and their reciprocals and co-functions * Graphs of trigonometric functions * Trigonometric identities * Angle addition and subtraction formulas for trigonometric functions * Double and half angle formulas for trigonometric functions * Law of sines and law of cosines * Polar and polar imaginary coordinates.

Can this be used for sines?

No. Sines are well defined trigonometric ratios whereas "this" is not defined at all.

What is cot x sin x simplified?

To simplify such expressions, it helps to express all trigonometric functions in terms of sines and cosines. That is, convert tan, cot, sec or csc to their equivalent in terms of sin and cos.

How do you find trigonometric ratios without a calculator?

There are a few ways. First, there are a multitude of trigonometric tables which list the sines and cosines of a variety of values. if you now one trigonometric value of a number, you can find all the others by hand, and you can also use a Taylor series approximation to find a fairly accurate value. (In fact, many calculators use Taylor series to find trigonometric values.)

What branch of mathematics is concerned with sines and cosines?

Trigonometry mainly but also geometry, algebra.

How do you solve tangent cosine tangent-cosine.?

It isn't clear what you want to solve for. To solve trigonometric equations, it often helps to convert other angular functions (tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant) into the equivalent of sines and cosines. However, the details of course depend on the specific case.

How do you simplify csc theta -cot theta cos theta?

For a start, try converting everything to sines and cosines.

Relevance in trigonometry in act?

The ACT asks questions about basic sines, cosines, and tangents. These questions can be answered without a calculator.