When we simplify fractions.
Number factors help find common denominators in fractions and reducing fractions. In algebra they are used to find the answers to higher level equations like quadratics.
You can empathize, specifically to a character, a character's situation, the environment, etc. If you understand what someone in the movie is going through from personal experience you've had in your life, then you can relate to that experience of feeling.
fractions having same denominators are like fractions & others are unlike fractions
I assume you mean, with different denominators. If you want to add the fractions, subtract them, or compare them (determine which one is greater), you have to convert them to similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first. Converting to similar fractions is not necessary, and usually doesn't even help, if you want to multiply or divide fractions.
The answer will depend on which of the many properties of fractions you are referring to.
They both can be divided.
Proper fractions.
The numerator in fractions
You are asked to put the fractions on a number line to help you understand fractions. It isn't so much you will use a number line " in real life" but it gives you a visual representation to help you learn. You will use fractions for many things in life. Just do what what you are asked to do by your teacher they have a reason. You are not the only student in the class and others may need a bit extra assignments to help them understand. Go with the flow. Not all things in life will relate to "real life."
how do whole number relate to everday life
We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen
When you are adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, you need to find a least common denominator, or LCD. The process is the same as finding an LCM between two integers.
Fractions are used in recipe... For eg:1/4tsp sugar
when you cook
To some, life would be absolutely amazing without fractions! A whole lot of people hate fractions and would much rather just use decimals all of the time.