what do you mean? how do you know a graph has no automorphisms?
what do you mean? how do you know a graph has no automorphisms?
One way to find the number of automorphisms for a given graph is to use computational tools like graph isomorphism algorithms, such as Nauty or Bliss. These algorithms can efficiently explore the graph's symmetry to count the automorphisms. Another method is to manually list all possible permutations of the graph's vertices and check which ones preserve the graph's structure, although this method becomes impractical for large graphs.
To find the starting point of a distance vs time graph from a velocity vs time graph and a function, you would integrate the velocity function to find the displacement function. The starting point of the distance vs time graph corresponds to the initial displacement obtained from the displaced function.
The biodiversity graph depicts the variability of species in the given area.
The area under a v/t graph is how far you've gone. Choose a point on the time axis, read off the speed and find the area underneath. If its a straight line graph, all you have to do is find the area of the triangle. This area is the distance travelled in this particular time. Repeat for several more points on the time axis. Plot distance against time.
To go from a position graph to a velocity graph, you can calculate the slope of the position graph at each point. The slope at any given point on a position vs. time graph represents the velocity at that specific time. Therefore, the velocity graph would be a plot of the slopes at each point on the position graph.
this time is basically the instant when an object has a particular velocity(instantaneous velocity). so on the graph draw a line from the particular value of the velocity and then draw a vertical line on time axis to find the time for that velocity.
find the constant of variation and the slope of the given line from the graph of y=2.5x
Use the four-step process to find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the given function at any point.
To find a spanning tree in a given graph, you can use algorithms like Prim's or Kruskal's. These algorithms help identify the minimum weight edges that connect all the vertices in the graph without forming any cycles. The resulting tree will be a spanning tree of the original graph.
by shoving it up your booty
Connect the two points.
If all the vertices and edges of a graph A are in graph B then graph A is a sub graph of B.
If the point (x,y) is on the graph of the even function y = f(x) then so is (-x,y)
You find the equation of a graph by finding an equation with a graph.
To find the minimum spanning tree (MST) in a given graph, you can use algorithms like Prim's or Kruskal's. These algorithms help identify the smallest tree that connects all vertices in the graph without forming any cycles. By selecting the edges with the lowest weights, you can construct the MST efficiently.
The solubility graph shows how much of a solute will dissolve in a given solvent at a given temperature.
More information is needed to determine x and y. Do you have a point on a graph? Are you given a formula?