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It is -sqrt(1 + cot^2 theta)

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Q: Express csc theta in terms of cot theta theta is in quadrant 3?
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If tan Theta equals 2 with Theta in Quadrant 3 find cot Theta?

Cotan(theta) is the reciprocal of the tan(theta). So, cot(theta) = 1/2.

How do you simplify sin theta times csc theta divided by tan theta?

Since sin(theta) = 1/cosec(theta) the first two terms simply camcel out and you are left with 1 divided by tan(theta), which is cot(theta).

How do you simplify csc theta cot theta cos theta?

cosec(q)*cot(q)*cos(q) = 1/sin(q)*cot(q)*cos(q) = cot2(q)

Why does Sine Theta equal Sine 180 minus Theta?

When you subtract theta from 180 ( if theta is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees) you will get the reference angle of theta; the results of sine theta and sine of its reference angle will be the same and only the sign will be different depends on which quadrant the angle is located. Ex. 150 degrees' reference angle will be 30 degrees (180-150) sin150=1/2 (2nd quadrant); sin30=1/2 (1st quadrant) 1st quadrant: all trig functions are positive 2nd: sine and csc are positive 3rd: tangent and cot are positive 4th: cosine and secant are positive

Tan theta plus cot theta equals 2csc2 theta?

Yes, it is.

What is tan theta minus cot theta?


How can you verify 1 plus tan theta divided by 1 minus tan theta equals cot theta plus 1 divided by cot theta minus 1?

It depends if 1 plus tan theta is divided or multiplied by 1 minus tan theta.

If tansqtheta plus 5tantheta0 find the value of tantheta plus cottheta?

tan2(theta) + 5*tan(theta) = 0 => tan(theta)*[tan(theta) + 5] = 0=> tan(theta) = 0 or tan(theta) = -5If tan(theta) = 0 then tan(theta) + cot(theta) is not defined.If tan(theta) = -5 then tan(theta) + cot(theta) = -5 - 1/5 = -5.2

What is cot theta divided by tan theta plus one equal?

whats the big doubt,cot/tan+1= 1+1= 2

How do you simplify csc theta -cot theta cos theta?

For a start, try converting everything to sines and cosines.

What can the function cotangent theta also be expressed as?

cot theta=tan(90-tetha)

What are the values of theta of which cot theta is undefined?

Every multiple of 180 degrees, beginning with zero.