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I assume you mean "stored". In each case, a total of 2 to the power 13 different numbers can be stored.

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Q: How many unsigned and signed numbers can be tore 13 bits?
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How many bits are needed to represent decimal 200?

8 bits if unsigned, 9 bits if signed

How many bits are needed to represent the decimal number 200?

8 (assuming unsigned numbers - i.e., you don't reserve a bit for the sign).

How many unsigned integers can be represented with n bits?

2 power n

What is the binary range in decimal of a byte?

Nobody knows what you are talking about, but if you mean what the biggest number is in a byte, it is 255 or 127. The former is only for unsigned, while the latter is the maximun if the byte is signed. If you mean how many numbers can be represented, it is 256 or 128. Again, the former is if it is unsigned and the latter is if it is signed.

Where do you use sign binary number?

Whenever a computer program uses integers - for example, in a game, to store a player's score, but also for many other situations - this will internally be stored as a binary number. This number may be signed or unsigned. Some programming languages, such as Java, only use signed numbers. In other cases, the programmer may decide to use either signed or unsigned numbers, depending on his needs.

Types of data in turbo C programming?

The primitive data types in C include:[signed|unsigned] char[signed|unsigned] short[signed|unsigned] int[signed|unsigned] long[signed|unsigned] long longfloatdoublelong doubleEnumerations (enum) and arrays may also be considered to be primitive types.

How many decimal numbers can be represented by 4-bits?

There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.

How many decimal places in a 32 bit word?

The maximum value represented in a 32-bit unsigned word is 232-1 = 4,294,967,295, so you can represent all numbers with 9 decimal places and some numbers with 10 decimal places in 32-bits. log(232-1) = 9.632959861 is the true answer.

How many bits do you need to encode any signed integer between -1000 and 1000?

11 bits (which actually allows -1024 to 1023)

How many different numbers can be represented by 3 bits?


How many binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers?

Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.

How many data lines are necessary in 16-bit microprocessor and what is the magnitude of the largest number that can be placed on its data bus?

The number of data lines required in a 16-bit microprocessor is 16, in the internal view, but could be something else, such as 8, in the external view. In the 8086/8088, the processor is 16 bits, and its internal data bus is 16 bits. The 8086 provides 16 bits on the external bus, but the 8088 provides 8 bits, even though they are the same internal processor - the 8088 simply uses two memory cycles to move one word. The largest number that can be represented on a 16 bit bus depends on the interpretation of that number. An unsigned 16 bit number ranges from 0 to 65535, so 65535 is the largest value when unsigned. A 16 bit two's complement signed number ranges from -32768 to +32767, so +32767 is the largest value when signed.