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Q: What is the area of this rhombus if AC equals 14 cm DB equals 8 cm?
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AC equals 14 cm DB equals 8 cm What is the area of this rhombus?

56 cm squared

What is the area of this rhombus if ac equals 14cm and db equals 8cm?

Well, the area of a rhombus is 1/2*d(1)*d(2). 1/2 * 8 * 14 is 56, so the area of this rhombus is 56 square cm.

What is the area of a rhombus if ac equals 14 bd equals 17 and ab equals 11?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonalsIn your case, that's 14 x 17 / 2 = 119

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 11 and BD equals 7?


What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 9 and BD equals 13?

31.5 Square Units

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 7 and BD equals 9?

31.5 square units

What is the area of a ABCD rhombus when angle AC equals 14 and angle BD equals 17?

An angle is not normally defined by two characters. Also, a rhombus cannot have two angles whose measures are 14 and 17: any two angles MUST be complementary or equal.

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 8 and BD equals 9?

A = (1/2)(ac)(bd) = (1/2)(8)(9) = 36

What is the area of this rhombus ac14cm db8cm?

If ac and bd are diagonals then area of rhombus = 1/2 x ac x bd Area = 1/2 x 14 x 8 cm2 = 56 cm2

What is the area of a rhombus if ac is 14cm and db is 8cm?

AC and DB must be the diagonals of the rhombus, because the sides are all equal. Area = product of the diagonals. = 14 x 8 = 112

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 12 and BD equals 7?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonals:Area = (1/2) * ( 12 * 7) = 42.The way this works: for a rhombus, the diagonals bisect each other (they intersect at the other's midpoint), so split this into two identical triangles BCD and BAD.The area of one of these triangles is (1/2) * Base * Height, with Base = length of BD, and Height = 1/2 length of AC.So area of one triangle = (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC), and area of rhombus is 2 * area of triangle, so you have 2 * (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC) = (1/2) * (BD) * (AC)

What is thr area of the rhombus shown below AC 17 BD15 AB11.2?

Area of a rhombus: base times perpendicular height Or area of a rhombus: 0.5 times product of its diagonals