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A vertical asymptote can be, but need not be a discontinuity. In simple terms, the distinction depends whether the domain extends on only one side of the (no discontinuity) or both sides (infinite discontinuity).

For example, there is no discontinuity in f(x) = 1/x for x > 0

On the other hand, f(x) = 1/x for x ≠ 0 has an infinite discontinuity at x = 0.

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Q: What type of discontiniuty is a vertical asymptote?
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One way to find a vertical asymptote is to take the inverse of the given function and evaluate its limit as x tends to infinity.

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It remains a vertical asymptote. Instead on going towards y = + infinity it will go towards y = - infinity and conversely.

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It can.

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No. The fact that it is an asymptote implies that the value is never attained. The graph can me made to go as close as you like to the asymptote but it can ever ever take the asymptotic value.

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That is not correct. A rational function may, or may not, have a vertical asymptote. (Also, better don't write questions with double negatives - some may find them confusing.)

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